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Taking PTs on mornings around 3am?

nmillmich25nmillmich25 Alum Member
edited April 2014 in General 13 karma
I work full time and would like to start taking PTs asap. I plan on doing 2 on weekends and 1 during the week. I have tried taking PTs after work but I am usually too exhausted to finish/score well. I am thinking about doing my PTS @ 3am on mornings before work.

What do you all think? Does anyone have experience with early morning PTs?


  • FryBreadfruitFryBreadfruit Live Member
    120 karma
    I have also being thinking about how many to tackle per week and whats my perfect timing..tough
  • ArchiebootsArchieboots Alum Member
    155 karma
    Hi there! I think most of time it is recommended to take PTs to a time similar to your test date so that you are the closest to the conditions. I personally believe that 3 PTs would be too much for to do in a week (I work full time as well and blind reviewing takes me 2 to 3 hours) so whatever number you aim for, make sure you do it in similar conditions as the LSAT and review it fully.
  • ArchiebootsArchieboots Alum Member
    155 karma
    PS: I've done 3/4 PTs after work and my brain was so fried. The earliest I have done it was 8am.
  • nmillmich25nmillmich25 Alum Member
    13 karma
    @Archieboots I do agree that the PTs should be taken around the same time as the actual exam time but I was hoping doing that the PT @ 3am would at least contribute to building my stamina? Also, I try my best never to do a new PT without first reviewing my previous PT, but yeah 3 PTs a week is a bit aggressive for someone like me who works full time.
  • ArchiebootsArchieboots Alum Member
    155 karma
    I think you should give it a try and see how it goes. You got me thinking about doing the same thing so keep us updated :)
  • AlenaLSATAlenaLSAT Alum Member
    182 karma
    As long as you can get enough sleep, you can try it. Make sure you don't push yourself to the limits. Our bodies/brains can only take so much.
  • aangataminaangatamin Alum Member
    6 karma
    I think it's only worth it if you think you're going to be less exhausted at 3am than after work. Otherwise you might be draining your energy for useful, non-PT practice that could be done after work.
  • Jonathan WangJonathan Wang Yearly Sage
    6874 karma
    Three tests a week means you're doing a full test-review cycle every other day, with one day reserved for drilling/meeting a tutor/resting. That's barely doable even if you have nothing else at all to do. Three full tests a week on top of a full-time work schedule is, in my opinion, completely insane. The marginal gains from those 3am tests are going to be awful. And it won't help build your stamina - being too tired to function to begin with is entirely distinct from being worn out by the test as you go.

    The solution to your dilemma is not to take PTs at crazy hours - it's to elongate your preparation schedule to reflect the realities of your life. If you can't fit in enough practice tests between now and June to prepare yourself adequately without completely destroying your life, take in October instead.
  • nmillmich25nmillmich25 Alum Member
    13 karma
    "prepare yourself adequately without completely destroying your life" Thats me right there. I decided to quit my job today, which really really sucks but I want to be done with the LSAT in June so in my mind the sacrifice is worth it.

    Thank you for the guidance guys!
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