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Early Bird Study Group

ShownuffShownuff Alum Member
edited November 2015 in Study Groups 222 karma
Hey y'all, looking to get a few people together (via Skype) to cover 1 PT every weekend leading up to the December 2015 LSAT. The sessions will be on either Saturdays or Sundays, and the time depends on where people are located. Being that there is enough pressure on us all, I'd like to get together a nonjudgmental, yet serious group of people together.


  • Henry, ct.Henry, ct. Alum Member
    16 karma
    I'd be interested, but depending on time. I'm live in Mountain time.
  • 121 karma
    Dec. 2016 Lsat?
  • fatemeh_ffatemeh_f Free Trial Member
    13 karma
    im interested!!! :)
  • crushLSAT31crushLSAT31 Free Trial Member
    37 karma
    I am interested!
  • ShownuffShownuff Alum Member
    222 karma
    Hey guys, thanks for the interest. Tentatively, I was thinking we'd get started November 8th 'round 10am CST (depending on people's schedules/availability). The other dates will be on alternative Saturdays & Sundays -November 14th, November 22nd, and either November 28th or 29th -whichever you prefer. The goal is to get through four exams between now and the December 2015 exam. If this works well, we can keep going though mid February 2016. I'm open to any suggestions with respects to the practice tests we choose to tackle together. Cheers!
  • Gladiator_2017Gladiator_2017 Yearly Member
    1332 karma
    Hey, I'm prepping for June 2016 and would be interested in skype sessions to review PTs 38 and below.
  • ShownuffShownuff Alum Member
    222 karma
    @ Gladiator, I'll let you know as soon as things start to come together closer to the weekend after next.
  • Gladiator_2017Gladiator_2017 Yearly Member
    edited October 2015 1332 karma
    @Sho'nuff thanks! I'll be out of town on the 8th (with limited access to wifi) but can definitely join on the other dates. My goal is to complete 1 practice test/ week - I'm wrapping up PT38 tomorrow and will work on PT37 for next week.
  • ShownuffShownuff Alum Member
    222 karma
    Hey everyone, so are saying we should do earlier exams; how 'bout you guys help me pick one from PT10 - PT20 by Thursday, and then we can all take the test by Sunday and review on the 8th at 10amCST? I'm open to your suggestions.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    edited November 2015 7965 karma
    @"Sho'nuff" said:
    PT10 - PT20 by Thursday
    TOO early :D Y'all are crazy! ;)
  • ShownuffShownuff Alum Member
    222 karma
    It's 'bout getting that worm gurl ;) Seriously tho, if there are 7sagers (out West) feeling that's too early we could push it back a bit. Just let me know. Cheers!
  • ShownuffShownuff Alum Member
    edited November 2015 222 karma
    @Gladiator_2015, did you want our group to hit up PT 37 for the time after next?
  • NoonercsNoonercs Alum Member
    14 karma
    I'm interested!
  • Gladiator_2017Gladiator_2017 Yearly Member
    1332 karma
    I'm definitely in for the following week. PT38 would work with my schedule but it's a flexible schedule so if folks want to do another test in the 20s or 30s that works for me.
  • ShownuffShownuff Alum Member
    222 karma
    So far, I've got two people definitely on board for the weekend after next. Let's just say PT 38 it is -since Gladiator was kind enough to make a suggestion. Unless I hear otherwise, we will make that our first session.
  • Gladiator_2017Gladiator_2017 Yearly Member
    1332 karma
    Sorry that was a typo- I meant PT37*.
  • Lauren AlvarezLauren Alvarez Alum Member
    50 karma
    count me in please! :)
  • ShownuffShownuff Alum Member
    222 karma
    Sure thing, everybody is more than welcome to join in. FYI, the only suggestions I've received (thus far) are that we begin the weekend after next and that we start with PT 37. So, it's set... we'll start on Saturday the 14th of November at 11am CST -which is 9am PST, 10am MST, and 12pm EST. Unless you're a vampire (just kidding Nicole) that should be late enough for some and not too late for the rest of our group. I'l email my Skype handle to the people listed here by the 8th/Sunday. Cheers!
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    Moved to Study Groups so more people who are looking for that can find this. :)
  • ShownuffShownuff Alum Member
    222 karma
    Thanks Dillon, I really appreciate the helping hand :-)
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    edited November 2015 5120 karma
    After cancelling Dec test I am joining the June bandwagon. @Sho'nuff please add me to BR session. Looking forward to joining the group:)
  • ShownuffShownuff Alum Member
    222 karma
    The more the merrier with repeats to joining in this weekend and every other leading to the big test! So everyone, our first meeting is the day after tomorrow / Saturday the 14th at 9 PST, 10 MST, 11CST, & 12 EST. Sorry, I know that's confusing but it's the same time; since we all live in different regions, I just want everyone to be on the same page. Please try to have PT 37 done so we can all move forward together. C U then!
  • ShownuffShownuff Alum Member
    222 karma
    Hey guys, having some tech dif, please try me via Skype at 11:15 CST
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    Thanks @Shownuff for making it happen! Really productive BR session:)
  • manomadymanomady Free Trial Member
    3 karma
    I'm down for next weekend(:
  • ShownuffShownuff Alum Member
    222 karma
    @"twssmith"... Yeah, you & I held it down together -you're not only a southern bell, but a helpful team player too ;-)
  • ShownuffShownuff Alum Member
    222 karma
    Ok everyone, how does PT 11 sound for next Sunday at 10:30am CST?
  • ShownuffShownuff Alum Member
    222 karma
    Looks like you guys want to do PT 38?
  • ShownuffShownuff Alum Member
    222 karma
    Ok, our next session will be PT 38 @ 11:30 EST this Sunday the 22nd.
  • ShownuffShownuff Alum Member
    222 karma
    We're meeting this coming Saturday (November 28th) @ 12pm (EST). If interested, mail me your Skype handle, and I'll add you to the group. Cheers!
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