Some of us here are about to "graduate" to law school. Various members of our community (myself,
@allison.gill.sanford ,
@alexandergreene93 ) have been discussing plans for a pre-law-school/0L study group.
The content will:
[Reading] basically be a copy/paste of
@"Nilesh S"'s advice (Short and Happy Guides for
Torts and
Contracts, Glannon's
Civ Pro Examples & Explanations).
[Meeting] Sessions to discuss concepts and practice issue spotting (using hypos gathered from various sources).
[Project] Practice exams exchanged/discussed by the group.
I think starting in mid May would be ideal. That would give us about 3 months to work on this before we're all likely to head into orientation week (ours is the very last week of August).
Interest? Ideas? Mostly we're looking to learn some black letter material and build our chops a bit before we head into the storm.
I was thinking of a more theoretical approach, since sometimes there's not enough time for that in 1L. Of course, the fundamental cases would need to be covered to reach a theoretical understanding.
This black-letter approach however sounds like a good idea for preparing for the substance of 1L. If, however, there is interest for a more theoretical approach, esp. with a Canadian-orientation, I'd be happy to contribute in structuring and developing group study.
I'd just caution not to get too stressed out, but to study more as a fun preparation for law school. In fact, many would advise to just enjoy your last summer before law school. Admittedly, I thought at times during 1L that it would've been nice to have had more prior knowledge of 1L law. But the most beneficial learning will be during 1L, esp. since you'll likely be learning acc. to a specific professor's POV and be tested accordingly on final exams.
Unfortunately we won't be doing any Canadian content. I know exactly nothing about Canadian schools or curriculum. While there will be some overlap as both countries are common law-oriented, once we get out of common law matters (like into UCC stuff for Contracts), I'm afraid I can't speak to how useful that would be for Canadians. Perhaps you guys can start your own group? Per LSAT Island's offer below: This isn't an official 7sage thing, just a bunch of nerdsenthusiasts getting together.
I'll set up a Google form for you interested folks to fill out
@Sheri123 @kennedybj @brna0714 @cahunt5221 @mes08 @Petrichor @Jengibre @GordonBombay @alexandergreene93 @c.janson35 @allison.gill.sanford
Looking forward to next Tuesday.