So I feel so stupid, but here is the deal, I've been scoring -6ish on LR, -3-6 on LG and -10ish on RC, generally scoring around a 157 on PTs. So I haven't been using a highlighter on RC and for the first time tonight I did and my score improved drastically (-5). I am planning on taking the LSAT this Saturday, my question is, is using a highlighter for RC a game changer? I honestly feel confident now that I can score in the 160s by using a highlighter on the RC section. Did using a highlighter on RC change anyone else's scores big time? Whooo!!! Good luck 7sagers!!!
Maybe try to do a few more RC sections with the highlighter to see if it was an anomaly. If it continues to work for you, take a highlighter to the test!
Good luck