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Fall Cycle

racettearacettea Alum Member
edited October 2014 in February 2015 LSAT 8 karma
Is it possible to take the LSAT in February and be accepted for the Fall cycle? Is this a wise idea? Is the LSAT truly harder than the December one?


  • Kimber77Kimber77 Alum Member
    30 karma
    It is possible but your chances of getting into schools are much higher when you apply early. I took the test last february and waited until the following year to apply to maximize my chances... But I guess it depends on where you want to go and how strong of a candidate you are for that school
  • turnercmturnercm Alum Member 🍌
    edited October 2014 770 karma
    December is a safer bet. I hear schools take February so they can leave room for very top scorers who will help them maintain or increase their rankings. If you're not scoring where you want by the December test, it may be better to wait and apply next cycle.

    I also don't think February tests are more difficult; since its undisclosed, the mystery around it makes it seem harder. I took an undisclosed test and it seemed to have the same difficulty level as all the other PrepTests i'd taken.

    Take the test when you're ready and have the score that will get you into the schools you want. But I don't think its a good idea to take February for Fall 2015 unless you're making at least 170+++.
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