I doubt it will be implemented for quite some time. Probably 2020 if even then. There was a report released some time ago where the LSAC discussed their research and ideas re: having a digital test and essentially there seem to be a few big problems with doing so. One I believe was financial. I'll see if I can find the article and I'll edit my post when I do.
It would suck to all the sudden have a digital test after practicing on paper and pencil all this time. Definitely taking in September/December, lol. Just in case.
I would love a digital test. The LG section is make or break for so many people, and it often comes down to who has the most time and financial resources to devote to prep. If a digital test cripples the prep industry, even for a just a few years, that is a great thing for equality of access.
That would beyond suck! I don't think it would be this year though. I think LSAC is smart enough to understand the gravity of a change like this. I would expect some sort of major anouncement with at least a year notice. That way, no one who has been preparing for a paper test will get caught in the crossfire.
"LSAC is currently not planning to discontinue the paper-and-pencil LSAT. The Digital LSAT Pilot Test is being conducted as part of research on a possible future format of the LSAT."
It seems the new format won't be implemented in a predictable future.
Fascinating info @dennisgerrard ! They'd have to offer a lot more than that for me to take it digitally considering the cost of the test. The good news is like @"Alex Divine" said it looks like we all have some time before the digital format is the only option.
@ScooterMinion What fresh hell is this? I just bought 36 new pencils and a kickass sharpener I'm in love with. I threw my head back and literally guffawed!!!! Yes, it is frwesh hell indeed! Last I checked, lawyers like antiquities so lets stick to old pencil and paper. Am so taking my test in Dec!
I'd be very curious to see what the "detailed performance report" would look like so if anyone here ends up taking it, please consider emailing your report for me to have a look, thanks!
Well, for all those wanting to take the test just to see where they stand, I say go for it! If it won't count and they're paying you for it, why not? Hmm? Maybe I'll take it and then use that $100 to pay for the real deal??
Interesting for sure. Have they said if you will have access to spare paper to mark up certain sections or even map out logic games? The test would be rather ridiculous if not.
Since I'm in Columbus and they have a test site at OSU I might actually sign up for shits and giggles. I'm nowhere near ready to sit for real but it might calm some nerves of going through the process at least.
After careful consideration, since I'd be entering the 7th circle of hell without my coveted pencils and sharpener, I've confirmed my application to be a digital test pilot (lol) as a test center is only 30 mins away from me.
Yippee Ki Yay, ...LSAC!
Update: still waiting for LSAC to send me my admissions ticket for this pilot test. Takes up to 48 hours to receive it once confirmation of approval is received. Talk about jumping through hoops to help them with research. Sheesh!
LOL @tanes256 true. Yeah @twssmith I saw that! Looks like I'll be taking it then as it's not in my nature to turn down $100 and not sate my curiosity----basically I don't have a good reason not to take it. I'm registering for it!
@"nessa.k13.0" YAY! Hope it doesn't fill up - my girls got an email about it distributed by Georgia Tech - which I would not consider a pre-law hotbed for interest, lol...
Just signed up for it on 5/20 in Houston. Some interesting details in the confirmation email. @"Dillon A. Wright" Any LSAC violations if I share details?
@Takamine said:
Just signed up for it on 5/20 in Houston. Some interesting details in the confirmation email. @"Dillon A. Wright" Any LSAC violations if I share details?
Unless the email says not to share you should be fine! Just keep following forum rules.
Wow. Surprised Las Vegas was selected to be a pilot test site. Considering it's free of charge, doesn't count, $100 for free... I don't see too many downsides to taking it. I should be through CC and starting a few PT's by then, so I'm super stoked to see what kind of performance report is provided after. I can feel myself getting nervous already!
Eh, I signed up. No harm I suppose, and it'll hopefully allow me to get out the jitters of test-day anxiety and calm some nerves so I'm more prepared for the real thing. The confirmation email did share the following info :
The following features are automatically available for the Digital LSAT Pilot Test:
• Stylus
• Scratch paper
• Multiple font sizes
• Adjustable line spacing
• Brightness adjustment
• Android accessibility features such as:
o Large text
o High-contrast text
o Touch-and-hold delay (none, short, medium, long)
o Magnification gestures
o Color inversion
o Color correction including deuteranomaly (red-green), protanomaly (red-green), and tritanomaly (blue-yellow)
The stylus and scratch paper are the interesting parts. Maybe we will be able to mark up the on screen prompts and prevent having to copy everything back over to blank paper? This would be immensely helpful for LR/RC. If we can diagram LG's that would also be a huge time saver instead of having to jump back and forth between the tablet and your paper to copy the rules over. Should be fun
@Mellow_Z said:
Eh, I signed up. No harm I suppose, and it'll hopefully allow me to get out the jitters of test-day anxiety and calm some nerves so I'm more prepared for the real thing. The confirmation email did share the following info :
The following features are automatically available for the Digital LSAT Pilot Test:
• Stylus
• Scratch paper
• Multiple font sizes
• Adjustable line spacing
• Brightness adjustment
• Android accessibility features such as:
o Large text
o High-contrast text
o Touch-and-hold delay (none, short, medium, long)
o Magnification gestures
o Color inversion
o Color correction including deuteranomaly (red-green), protanomaly (red-green), and tritanomaly (blue-yellow)
The stylus and scratch paper are the interesting parts. Maybe we will be able to mark up the on screen prompts and prevent having to copy everything back over to blank paper? This would be immensely helpful for LR/RC. If we can diagram LG's that would also be a huge time saver instead of having to jump back and forth between the tablet and your paper to copy the rules over. Should be fun
I like the colorblind and accessibility options! I myself am a tritanomaly colorblind guy and it's really rare for places to have that (since tritanomaly is very rare to begin with!)
The stylus and scratch paper options are nice too. People were wondering how they were going to do LG on a tablet, that explains that. Let us know how this goes! I'm very interested to hear all about it.
@Mellow_Z said:
Eh, I signed up. No harm I suppose, and it'll hopefully allow me to get out the jitters of test-day anxiety and calm some nerves so I'm more prepared for the real thing. The confirmation email did share the following info :
The following features are automatically available for the Digital LSAT Pilot Test:
• Stylus
• Scratch paper
• Multiple font sizes
• Adjustable line spacing
• Brightness adjustment
• Android accessibility features such as:
o Large text
o High-contrast text
o Touch-and-hold delay (none, short, medium, long)
o Magnification gestures
o Color inversion
o Color correction including deuteranomaly (red-green), protanomaly (red-green), and tritanomaly (blue-yellow)
The stylus and scratch paper are the interesting parts. Maybe we will be able to mark up the on screen prompts and prevent having to copy everything back over to blank paper? This would be immensely helpful for LR/RC. If we can diagram LG's that would also be a huge time saver instead of having to jump back and forth between the tablet and your paper to copy the rules over. Should be fun
I like the colorblind and accessibility options! I myself am a tritanomaly colorblind guy and it's really rare for places to have that (since tritanomaly is very rare to begin with!)
The stylus and scratch paper options are nice too. People were wondering how they were going to do LG on a tablet, that explains that. Let us know how this goes! I'm very interested to hear all about it.
Yeah I can't say I've ever met someone who has mentioned being tritanomaly colorblind. (I don't mean anything rude by the following statement I just don't know how to word it less bluntly.. I'm genuinely interested) Would having accommodations be beneficial for someone with your condition? With the LSAT being exclusively black text?
It is nice they are opening up the range of accommodations though. I'll be sure to write up a summary of the experience afterwards so everyone else can ask questions/learn from my shortcomings haha
@smseraj3 said:
Is anyone else getting a "runtime error"??
Or it is because there is a specific application period that I have to wait for?
I kept crashing the webpage because the picture I was uploading was too large. Maybe try that. Or try a different browser. I had issues between Chrome and Firefox. The application window should be open though.. I haven't heard that they are closing it yet.
@RafaelBernard said:
I kind of want to sign up. Will it help with test day jitters for June? Who knows... I can't imagine how to do the LG section in this format. Crazy.
I'm hoping it calms my nerves; that's why I signed up at least. As far as LG go, they said you will have scrap paper you can use as well as a stylus for the tablet (I'm assuming you'll just be able to digitally mark up the pages similar to how we do now except on the tablet)
@Mellow_Z said:
Yeah I can't say I've ever met someone who has mentioned being tritanomaly colorblind. (I don't mean anything rude by the following statement I just don't know how to word it less bluntly.. I'm genuinely interested) Would having accommodations be beneficial for someone with your condition? With the LSAT being exclusively black text?
No offense taken! We're a rare breed. :P
It's not necessary for paper but it definitely will be for the test if it transitions to tablet. Lots of options on there that bleed into the background without colorblind modes.
@Mellow_Z said:
Yeah I can't say I've ever met someone who has mentioned being tritanomaly colorblind. (I don't mean anything rude by the following statement I just don't know how to word it less bluntly.. I'm genuinely interested) Would having accommodations be beneficial for someone with your condition? With the LSAT being exclusively black text?
No offense taken! We're a rare breed. :P
It's not necessary for paper but it definitely will be for the test if it transitions to tablet. Lots of options on there that bleed into the background without colorblind modes.
Oh very cool. I didn't even think to consider the blacklight bleed. That sounds like a migraine waiting to happen.
That stylus worries me. I'd probably just use the scratch paper. I have a Galaxy Tab something but I don't use the stylus because I think it's too small. I also had issues retrieving my markups before after shutting down so I just quit using it. Hopefully there isn't anything complicated about saving in case you have to come back before time expires. I haven't checked the site but does it give the dimensions of the tablets?? I'm sure it'll be bigger than a 7" but how big do tablets get? This just seems all bad to me.
@tanes256 said:
That stylus worries me. I'd probably just use the scratch paper. I have a Galaxy Tab something but I don't use the stylus because I think it's too small. I also had issues retrieving my markups before after shutting down so I just quit using it. Hopefully there isn't anything complicated about saving in case you have to come back before time expires. I haven't checked the site but does it give the dimensions of the tablets?? I'm sure it'll be bigger than a 7" but how big do tablets get? This just seems all bad to me.
Agreed. But only one way to find out. So into hell I must go...
...yay, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of LSAC, I shall fear no questions...
@tanes256 said:
That stylus worries me. I'd probably just use the scratch paper. I have a Galaxy Tab something but I don't use the stylus because I think it's too small. I also had issues retrieving my markups before after shutting down so I just quit using it. Hopefully there isn't anything complicated about saving in case you have to come back before time expires. I haven't checked the site but does it give the dimensions of the tablets?? I'm sure it'll be bigger than a 7" but how big do tablets get? This just seems all bad to me.
If I had to guess, I would hope they are using some sort of proprietary software that saves all of your markups. I can't imagine the hysteria if you get an app crash or something like the tablet locking up/freezing/resetting lol. It'll be a strange experience without question.
@"J.Y. Ping" said:
I'd be very curious to see what the "detailed performance report" would look like so if anyone here ends up taking it, please consider emailing your report for me to have a look, thanks!
I'll be taking the test. When I get the report I'll send it to you!
I'm curious to chat other students up the day of the test. I wonder if it will be primarily new comers looking for experience with the test to calm nerves, or individuals who have already sat and just want a free 100$.
lol oh geez. I'd love to hear about your friend's experience in May.
People aren't going to like this
I'm also curious to see how it goes though!
Lord, let me hurry up and get this darn test out of the way! I can't take all the f*ckery!
I doubt it will be implemented for quite some time. Probably 2020 if even then. There was a report released some time ago where the LSAC discussed their research and ideas re: having a digital test and essentially there seem to be a few big problems with doing so. One I believe was financial. I'll see if I can find the article and I'll edit my post when I do.
It would suck to all the sudden have a digital test after practicing on paper and pencil all this time. Definitely taking in September/December, lol. Just in case.
I would love a digital test. The LG section is make or break for so many people, and it often comes down to who has the most time and financial resources to devote to prep. If a digital test cripples the prep industry, even for a just a few years, that is a great thing for equality of access.
That would beyond suck! I don't think it would be this year though. I think LSAC is smart enough to understand the gravity of a change like this. I would expect some sort of major anouncement with at least a year notice. That way, no one who has been preparing for a paper test will get caught in the crossfire.
What fresh hell is this? I just bought 36 new pencils and a kickass sharpener I'm in love with.

@ScooterMinion hahaha I can so relate! Went to Staples to buy wooden pencils and they be considering going Digital... da fuq!
Game-changer for people who took all their PT's on pirated PDF's.
For anyone interested. Here's the link http://digitallsat.lsac.org/Pages/Default.aspx
Every test taker get a $100 gift-card.
"LSAC is currently not planning to discontinue the paper-and-pencil LSAT. The Digital LSAT Pilot Test is being conducted as part of research on a possible future format of the LSAT."
It seems the new format won't be implemented in a predictable future.
@dennisgerrard Why must you torture us so?
@jkatz1488 Sorry. I just want to know how we need to respond to this potential change:)
Fascinating info @dennisgerrard ! They'd have to offer a lot more than that for me to take it digitally considering the cost of the test. The good news is like @"Alex Divine" said it looks like we all have some time before the digital format is the only option.
@ScooterMinion What fresh hell is this? I just bought 36 new pencils and a kickass sharpener I'm in love with. I threw my head back and literally guffawed!!!! Yes, it is frwesh hell indeed! Last I checked, lawyers like antiquities so lets stick to old pencil and paper. Am so taking my test in Dec!
The pilot test is FREE @"nessa.k13.0"
Ooo so I read the FAQs page so it's like you take it for fun as your score won't be reported to law schools. Interesting
I'd be very curious to see what the "detailed performance report" would look like so if anyone here ends up taking it, please consider emailing your report for me to have a look, thanks!
I consider to take one,though it's two-hour flight. I would give a report if I take it.@ J.Y. Ping
Well, for all those wanting to take the test just to see where they stand, I say go for it! If it won't count and they're paying you for it, why not? Hmm? Maybe I'll take it and then use that $100 to pay for the real deal??
Interesting for sure. Have they said if you will have access to spare paper to mark up certain sections or even map out logic games? The test would be rather ridiculous if not.
Since I'm in Columbus and they have a test site at OSU I might actually sign up for shits and giggles. I'm nowhere near ready to sit for real but it might calm some nerves of going through the process at least.
Thanks for the info, @dennisgerrard!
After careful consideration, since I'd be entering the 7th circle of hell without my coveted pencils and sharpener, I've confirmed my application to be a digital test pilot (lol) as a test center is only 30 mins away from me.
Yippee Ki Yay, ...LSAC!
Update: still waiting for LSAC to send me my admissions ticket for this pilot test. Takes up to 48 hours to receive it once confirmation of approval is received. Talk about jumping through hoops to help them with research. Sheesh!
@"Dillon A. Wright" bumping Takamine's question to you.
@"nessa.k13.0" Lakeland is one of the 20 Test sites - You should so do it!!! Jealous:)
LOL @tanes256 true. Yeah @twssmith I saw that! Looks like I'll be taking it then as it's not in my nature to turn down $100 and not sate my curiosity----basically I don't have a good reason not to take it. I'm registering for it!
Grape job distributing pilot centers across the nation. /sarcasm font
@"nessa.k13.0" YAY! Hope it doesn't fill up - my girls got an email about it distributed by Georgia Tech - which I would not consider a pre-law hotbed for interest, lol...
Just signed up for it on 5/20 in Houston. Some interesting details in the confirmation email. @"Dillon A. Wright" Any LSAC violations if I share details?
@twssmith where did you see Georgia Tech? I didn't see any sites for GA.
Update: Nevermind. I misread your comment.
Unless the email says not to share you should be fine! Just keep following forum rules.
Wow. Surprised Las Vegas was selected to be a pilot test site. Considering it's free of charge, doesn't count, $100 for free... I don't see too many downsides to taking it. I should be through CC and starting a few PT's by then, so I'm super stoked to see what kind of performance report is provided after. I can feel myself getting nervous already!
Eh, I signed up. No harm I suppose, and it'll hopefully allow me to get out the jitters of test-day anxiety and calm some nerves so I'm more prepared for the real thing. The confirmation email did share the following info :
The stylus and scratch paper are the interesting parts. Maybe we will be able to mark up the on screen prompts and prevent having to copy everything back over to blank paper? This would be immensely helpful for LR/RC. If we can diagram LG's that would also be a huge time saver instead of having to jump back and forth between the tablet and your paper to copy the rules over. Should be fun
I like the colorblind and accessibility options! I myself am a tritanomaly colorblind guy and it's really rare for places to have that (since tritanomaly is very rare to begin with!)
The stylus and scratch paper options are nice too. People were wondering how they were going to do LG on a tablet, that explains that. Let us know how this goes! I'm very interested to hear all about it.
Yeah I can't say I've ever met someone who has mentioned being tritanomaly colorblind. (I don't mean anything rude by the following statement I just don't know how to word it less bluntly.. I'm genuinely interested) Would having accommodations be beneficial for someone with your condition? With the LSAT being exclusively black text?
It is nice they are opening up the range of accommodations though. I'll be sure to write up a summary of the experience afterwards so everyone else can ask questions/learn from my shortcomings haha
Is anyone else getting a "runtime error"??
Or it is because there is a specific application period that I have to wait for?
I kind of want to sign up. Will it help with test day jitters for June? Who knows... I can't imagine how to do the LG section in this format. Crazy.
I kept crashing the webpage because the picture I was uploading was too large. Maybe try that. Or try a different browser. I had issues between Chrome and Firefox. The application window should be open though.. I haven't heard that they are closing it yet.
I'm hoping it calms my nerves; that's why I signed up at least. As far as LG go, they said you will have scrap paper you can use as well as a stylus for the tablet (I'm assuming you'll just be able to digitally mark up the pages similar to how we do now except on the tablet)
No offense taken! We're a rare breed. :P
It's not necessary for paper but it definitely will be for the test if it transitions to tablet. Lots of options on there that bleed into the background without colorblind modes.
Oh very cool. I didn't even think to consider the blacklight bleed. That sounds like a migraine waiting to happen.
That stylus worries me. I'd probably just use the scratch paper. I have a Galaxy Tab something but I don't use the stylus because I think it's too small. I also had issues retrieving my markups before after shutting down so I just quit using it. Hopefully there isn't anything complicated about saving in case you have to come back before time expires. I haven't checked the site but does it give the dimensions of the tablets?? I'm sure it'll be bigger than a 7" but how big do tablets get? This just seems all bad to me.
Agreed. But only one way to find out. So into hell I must go...
...yay, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of LSAC, I shall fear no questions...
If I had to guess, I would hope they are using some sort of proprietary software that saves all of your markups. I can't imagine the hysteria if you get an app crash or something like the tablet locking up/freezing/resetting lol. It'll be a strange experience without question.
I just signed up to take it this morning. Here is the link if anyone would like to sign up for some extra practice. http://digitallsat.lsac.org/Pages/Default.aspx
I'll be taking the test. When I get the report I'll send it to you!
Boo, Houston is all full and I'm not driving out to San Antonio.
I'm curious to chat other students up the day of the test. I wonder if it will be primarily new comers looking for experience with the test to calm nerves, or individuals who have already sat and just want a free 100$.
I would say most are students preparing for LSAT.
I would love to sign up but no NYC location available. So sad!!
I tried as well and no locations available in Dallas! That's just crappy. Dallas is such a big city, how did they miss that? !
I would say they miss Seattle as well. @Sami
@Sami I think they missed some big cities on purpose. No Atlanta either.