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Improving Logic diagramming

nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member

So after 12 hours of going through my PT, BRing and reviewing each question i have located my weakness: seeing and diagramming logical chains in LR. I am getting tripped up with SA and Parallels . How did you guys get past seeing all the fluff and just seeing the logical structure? I cant seem to separate whats important for the logic? I know all the indicators and the theory behind parsing out sentences from JY. Anything specifically that helped you?


  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    Oddly enough, In/Out logic games helped me a lot in this area. Some of them (PT32.S3.G2) have gnarly conditional chains.

    I also translate and diagram everything I can find in BR. Even questions I got right. That's helped build up my "vision" and intuition.

    Sounds like you get the fundamentals but have some work to do before you can implement them quickly. That's ok. Consider taking a week to focus on nothing but translating english to logic and logic to english.

  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    @jkatz1488 thanks, so i have made a study plan to address these kind of weaknesses, do u think i should take a week off of everything else just for this? I am trying to come up with a good notation system for RC. Do u think i could alot a couple of hours a day to do both? I am studying 5-6 hours a day and an hour+ is definitely going to LG. But the other time i am trying to partition. I feel like i will murder myself if i am repetitively translating for 4 hours a day

  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    @nathanieljschwartz good question. One reason I suggested the week-long intensive is because Josh speaks about it in his webinar (which I was lucky enough to attend live) The week-long intensives are useful when we've identified a recurring weakness and decide to nip it in the bud. The length is arbitrary, though I would recommend at least 3 days. Think of these periods as mini-foolproofing to engrain certain habits and dispel others.

    I don't have enough information to suggest where your time is best spent. Generally speaking, an over-arching RC strategy is more important than a particular LR question type. However, I do believe there is a lot of value in periodically focusing our attention. So maybe you should consider focusing on RC for some time and put SA to the backburner.

    Which test date are you aiming for? It may be helpful to plan large chunks of your prep so you are prepared to fine-tune in the months leading into your test date.

  • AllezAllez21AllezAllez21 Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    1917 karma

    Great advice from @jkatz1488.

    Have you memorized the 4 groups of logical indicators? Seeing those and immediately recognizing what they mean must become second nature to you.

    It's all about repetition after that. Translate everything you find.

  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    So i was shooting for September, i think i definetly have enough time to nail down LR by then. But seeing as my RC is still haphazard i am looking at december as more of a responsible goal unless i have a huge RC breakthrough soon

  • nathanieljschwartznathanieljschwartz Alum Member
    1723 karma

    And i have memorized them, i just have a hard time seeing past all the grammer and getting to the structure

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