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September Retake

eshanpatel96eshanpatel96 Member
edited July 2017 in June 2017 LSAT 38 karma

Sup y'all,

So just got my score back (159), but I really wanted closer to a 165 so I def plan on retaking it in September. My weakest section was Reading Comp, and I was wondering if I could get some input on how I should go about studying these next few months. I was thinking about getting a power score bible for reading, and doing that 4 days a week,then doing 2 days a week LR and 1 day a week LG.

Open to suggestions though if anyone with more experience thinks my game plan is faulty.

Thanks in advance.


  • eshanpatel96eshanpatel96 Member
    38 karma

    Will be doing an in-depth Blind Review of the test this weekend.

  • eshanpatel96eshanpatel96 Member
    38 karma

    Or I redo the 7Sage Reading Comp, as I feel like I didn't go through it to it's full potential and redo the LSAT Trainer reading comp.

  • eshanpatel96eshanpatel96 Member
    38 karma


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    Where are your weaknesses? Have you completed the 7Sage CC and done the corresponding drills?

    If reading comprehension is where you are having the most trouble, I would recommend going back through the CC on RC and grammar. The LSAT Trainer, Manhattan LR, and Powerscore RC are also all pretty good as far as their techniques for RC goes. The thing is, as I have stated before, learning RC is a very personal practice. Don't be afraid to experiment and mix and match techniques that work for you.

    I personally found the memory method, The LSAT Trainer, and MLSAT RC to help me the most. I kind of mixed them together and made my own technique that works pretty well for me. I still have tons of room for improvement, though, however.

  • eshanpatel96eshanpatel96 Member
    38 karma

    Hey Alex,

    I struggled with the RC section and assumption questions in the couple LR's I got wrong. Definitely going to go back through the CC for RC on 7Sage(I had completed the CC well before the June exam). I also plan on going through the LSAT trainer again.

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