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Hi! I need advice on drilling materials for LG and LR. I have heard good things about Cambridge and lsat trainer. I also don't want to blow too much money.
I took September lsat with a cancellation mindset. I've studied 2 months and realized it wasn't enough few weeks before the test. Since I've already paid for the test, I decided to take it and see what my soft sports on the real deal are. I am so happy I did. The experience made me realize that I need to be stricter on timing myself.
I can do 93-96q correctly without a stopwatch, but during the real deal I got very nervous and the need to perfectly answer every question killed my pace.
Esp games
Any advice for December study? And drilling materials?
I would upgrade to ultimate or the next package up from starter and use 7sage to drill with their LSAT question bank. Same concept as the unavailable cambridge packets
good luck!
My only issue with the next 7sage level is ithat it's first: online
Second: they use the easiest questions for basic steps and hardest examples for higher upgrades. I finished the curriculum and don't want to pay a lot for just practice qs.
You can print the questions also you get access to more full PT's. Otherwise your only option is buying the cambridge packets for an insane price or buying full length PT's. The trainer does have some drilling but you would be better off getting the full length PT's from earlier exams
If you upgrade you'll be getting a ton more than just the extra med+difficult problem sets. You will also gain access to the question bank w/ 8000+ questions w/explanations. You also get every test w/ explanations, the LG bundle, LR drill packets, and the admissions course. Needless to say, this is going to give you everything you need to succeed.
I'd highly recommend upgrading even if I'm biased due to the fact it's worked so well for me and my friends.
The Cambridge packets are also helpful if you can get your hands on them. They have since been banned under the LSAC PDF ban so they are often very expensive and difficult to find.
You can get your hands on Powerscore's drilling by type books. They have all the LGs and LR questions for PT's 1-40.