@"Alex Divine" Yayyyy! I'm so excited to get started as well.
When would you like to begin our study group meetings?
No specific preference. I'm good to go as soon as you'd like to begin.
What day(s) of the week/time(s) work best for you? (Please include your time zone)
I'm good everyday but Monday and Tuesday. I'm free anytime after 6pm EST
What are some possible things you may be interested in exploring in addition to BR'ing PTs?
I'm really struggling with Flaw questions.
I mean, yeah I think it would be best to have everyone complete the CC first before beginning to practice test. However, if you would like, I can add you to our list and keep you in the loop. This way when you are done with the CC you can always join in with us!
We will also be doing some things beyond just blind review. So you may find some of the intensives and additional study group activities helpful.
@"Alex Divine" I'm so proud of all of us for having the gumption to start this early!
When would you like to begin our study group meetings?
If we are focusing on BR-ing PTs, my vote is December
What day(s) of the week/time(s) work best for you? (Please include your time zone)
Anytime but Friday and Saturday. Preferably in the evenings if a weekday; morning/afternoon if a weekend
What are some possible things you may be interested in exploring in addition to BR'ing PTs?
Sessions that hone down on specific sections individually: RC/LG/LR
ASAP! :-) I'm done with the CC and I'm looking to start PTing pretty soon here.
Saturdays after noon (PST) or Sundays. I can do weekdays, but since I'm PST, the earliest I can usually get home from work is 5:30PM and that is a little late for ESTers.
I'm ready to start whenever. Currently going through the CC for the second time and drilling prob sets/individual sections/foolproofing. I plan on beginning the PT phase in January.
My work schedule is flexible, but evenings are preferred. I'm on the Fresh Coast (PST).
Thanks for your input! We will definitely try to find the best way so that these groups are at a time when as many people can make it as possible.
I'm also loving all the ideas of all we can do outside of just simply PT'ing. I'm really looking forward to this being more than just a BR group; but an actual study group where we can all improve in every section!
I am in China, so the best times for me are Saturday nights (ew, nobody wants to do Saturday nights ever.) or Wednesday and Thursday nights around 7pm/8pm EST.
I'm doing PTs and drilling now and just want a solid score on the LSAT.
@"Alex Divine" said:
I'm really looking forward to this being more than just a BR group; but an actual study group where we can all improve in every section!
When would you like to begin our study group meetings?
What day(s) of the week/time(s) work best for you? (Please include your time zone)
Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
What are some possible things you may be interested in exploring in addition to BR'ing PTs?
Exploring question types in LR specifically flaw and NA
Eliminating answer choices in RC
Anything LG (LOL)
Thanks for all the helpful feedback guys. Keep it coming!
Right now I'm sort of keeping track of when everyone wants to begin, and what the best times and days are to start.
From the messages/comments I've received so far, it looks like the best time would be somewhere around 7-7:30 EST. This would make it so our friends in CDT/PDT can make it, even if they're a little bit late. The issue is that if we were to start any later than around 7:30pm EDT, then those of us on the east coast would likely have to leave the sessions early. I know from my experience in other study groups that these BR sessions can easily go for 3+ hours.
I haven't chosen a day yet. I'd definitely like to get some more input from the other potential members first. I'm really going to do my absolute best to choose the days/times that will work best for everyone.
@"Lizzette G" said:
1. I am due to be done with the CC late November, so maybe start group meetings in December but I don't really have a specific preference.
2. Mon-Thu I am available after 5:30PM PST. I am available all day Fri-Sun.
3. Up for anything and everything!
It's looking more and more like December may be the best time to start the actual PTs. We're split like 50/50 between those wanting to start now and those wanting to begin around December.
Perhaps we could begin by doing a few older PTs together while everyone finishes the CC and then start PTs36+ in December?
Im done with the CC, but I would love to do some drills as well as BR. Can we do some of the harder NA and Flaw types? I am free Tuesday, Friday, at 7pm est and am flexible on weekends. .
@CJF_2180 said:
Im done with the CC, but I would love to do some drills as well as BR. Can we do some of the harder NA and Flaw types? I am free Tuesday, Friday, at 7pm est and am flexible on weekends.
Right on!!
I've actually gotten about 3-4 messages of people wanting to review either flaws or NA questions. So, yes, we can absolutely go over those in more detail if enough people would be down!
Hi Everyone! I would love to participate in this study group! I have been trying to take this exam for over a year and a half now (eeck) but life was hectic. Im ready to seriously buckle down and tackle this! Do not want to take the exam until I feel ready so here I am.
I should be done with the CC by late November/early December
Any evenings would be fine with me (in NY) East Coast
I like the idea of drilling specific topics along with BR.
Hi Everyone! I would love to participate in this study group! I have been trying to take this exam for over a year and a half now (eeck) but life was hectic. Im ready to seriously buckle down and tackle this! Do not want to take the exam until I feel ready so here I am.
I should be done with the CC by late November/early December
Any evenings would be fine with me (in NY) East Coast
I like the idea of drilling specific topics along with BR.
Looking forward to it!
Alrighty, that is what I'm talking about. I'm so happy to see that you have such a positive mindset!
I would like to start As soon as possible. Maybe mid october so I can arrange my future schedule to be able to attend every meeting without any work, home related scheduling issues.
I work retail, however my boss is very accommodating when it comes to my application for law school. Sundays seem like a good possibility. I live on the west coast, maybe around 3pm PT.
Definitely seem to be needing work on flaw and Necessary Assumptions. Logic games are always a must review for me as well. Specifically in/out games.
I would prefer to start by the first (or second) week of November, because that's when I finish my CC.
Any day post 4PM not including Friday or Saturday works for me, I live in NY and MA; so EST.
I'd definitely want to work on drilling specific topics like flaw and Necessary Assumptions. I'm just down for anything, anything that will help me improve my score is worth the time and effort!
Hi! I'm excited to see this group getting started.
I've taken one PT (#36) post-CC, and am currently working on Foolproofing the games from PTs 1-35 and doing drills for LR and RC. I'm going to mix PTs (maybe one per week, to start with) and this type of drilling beginning this upcoming week. I'm aiming to take the test in Dec or Feb, with June as a backup. @"Alex Divine" - do you think I'd still be able to participate in this study group if I take 10-15 PTs by Dec and ~30 PTs by Feb?
I'm based in CA and my schedule is pretty flexible -- I generally study in the 8:30am - 4:30pm PT range. I plan to take PTs on Saturday mornings to simulate the actual exam.
In addition to BR, I might be interested in game-specific drilling and LR question-type drilling.
@SiliconJedi said:
Hi! I'm excited to see this group getting started.
I've taken one PT (#36) post-CC, and am currently working on Foolproofing the games from PTs 1-35 and doing drills for LR and RC. I'm going to mix PTs (maybe one per week, to start with) and this type of drilling beginning this upcoming week. I'm aiming to take the test in Dec or Feb, with June as a backup. @"Alex Divine" - do you think I'd still be able to participate in this study group if I take 10-15 PTs by Dec and ~30 PTs by Feb?
I'm based in CA and my schedule is pretty flexible -- I generally study in the 8:30am - 4:30pm PT range. I plan to take PTs on Saturday mornings to simulate the actual exam.
In addition to BR, I might be interested in game-specific drilling and LR question-type drilling.
You will absolutely be able to participate! It's looking more and more like we are going to start taking PTs from 36+ sometime around December. However, like I mentioned above, it seems like a lot of people are interested in reviewing necessary/required assumption questions and Flaws. I was also thinking that if enough people were interested maybe we could start before December and take a couple of the older tests (1-35).
@"Shawn Nguyen" said:
1. I would prefer to start by the first (or second) week of November, because that's when I finish my CC.
Any day post 4PM not including Friday or Saturday works for me, I live in NY and MA; so EST.
I'd definitely want to work on drilling specific topics like flaw and Necessary Assumptions. I'm just down for anything, anything that will help me improve my score is worth the time and effort!
I would like to start As soon as possible. Maybe mid october so I can arrange my future schedule to be able to attend every meeting without any work, home related scheduling issues.
I work retail, however my boss is very accommodating when it comes to my application for law school. Sundays seem like a good possibility. I live on the west coast, maybe around 3pm PT.
Definitely seem to be needing work on flaw and Necessary Assumptions. Logic games are always a must review for me as well. Specifically in/out games.
Hey ya'll!
Thank you for you input it is making it a lot easier to come up with some sort of plan going forward. I really like the idea of reviewing question types as a group. The beauty of starting so early is that we will have the luxury of the extra time to do so.
I'll be finishing my CC the end of November, so I could start PT's early December.
I'll be available after 7 pm EST during the week and anytime on weekends.
@rprice08 said:
Hi everybody! I'd love to join the study group!
I'll be finishing my CC the end of November, so I could start PT's early December.
I'll be available after 7 pm EST during the week and anytime on weekends.
Perfect! We would love to have you Rprice08. I'll add you to the list.
Hello - I'm interested but I'm also trying to decide if I should take December vs Feb and now vs June. Any help would be much appreciated. If I wait until the June test then I will miss this admission cycle so will need to wait another year to apply. I guess you guys are all ok with that! I'm trying to be ok with it - I just really wanted to get it over and done with but it doesn't seem to be working out that way for me : (.
Also, will this study group be online or in person? I'm in NJ and daytime is best for me but I can make evenings work.
@LCMama2017 said:
Hello - I'm interested but I'm also trying to decide if I should take December vs Feb and now vs June. Any help would be much appreciated. If I wait until the June test then I will miss this admission cycle so will need to wait another year to apply. I guess you guys are all ok with that! I'm trying to be ok with it - I just really wanted to get it over and done with but it doesn't seem to be working out that way for me : (.
Also, will this study group be online or in person? I'm in NJ and daytime is best for me but I can make evenings work.
So, when it comes to deciding when to take the LSAT, the most important factor (and really the only one as far as I'm concerned) is to take it when you're ready. Being ready means having the average of your last 5-10 PTs at or above your target score. It's very hard to plan this around an arbitrary date the LSAC decides because everyone starts at a different score, has different goals, and progresses at a different pace.
The older I get, the more I realize that in the scheme of things another year isn't that big a deal. Especially not if it means a higher LSAT that will come with better admissions and scholarship opportunities. After all, your GPA takes 4 years to earn and the LSAT, which is far more important for the purpose of law school admissions, we often just try to rush to take. If it takes another year, so be it. I've never met someone who regretted taking more time to be ready and score higher!!
The study group itself will be conducted online. This way we can get the best 7Sagers from all across the world!
I'll add you to the group so you'll be tagged in any messages. Welcome!
@LCMama2017 said:
Hello - I'm interested but I'm also trying to decide if I should take December vs Feb and now vs June. Any help would be much appreciated. If I wait until the June test then I will miss this admission cycle so will need to wait another year to apply. I guess you guys are all ok with that! I'm trying to be ok with it - I just really wanted to get it over and done with but it doesn't seem to be working out that way for me : (.
Also, will this study group be online or in person? I'm in NJ and daytime is best for me but I can make evenings work.
So, when it comes to deciding when to take the LSAT, the most important factor (and really the only one as far as I'm concerned) is to take it when you're ready. Being ready means having the average of your last 5-10 PTs at or above your target score. It's very hard to plan this around an arbitrary date the LSAC decides because everyone starts at a different score, has different goals, and progresses at a different pace.
The older I get, the more I realize that in the scheme of things another year isn't that big a deal. Especially not if it means a higher LSAT that will come with better admissions and scholarship opportunities. After all, your GPA takes 4 years to earn and the LSAT, which is far more important for the purpose of law school admissions, we often just try to rush to take. If it takes another year, so be it. I've never met someone who regretted taking more time to be ready and score higher!!
The study group itself will be conducted online. This way we can get the best 7Sagers from all across the world!
I'll add you to the group so you'll be tagged in any messages. Welcome!
Hi AlexDivine - thank you. You are right that I should just focus on being prepared. You are not the first person that has told me that and I think its time I start to listen. I do think that I would be in much better shape if I studied longer. As it is, I'm already stressing over the December test so I will delay. Thank you for adding me to your list!
I have not started CC yet... but I'm aiming for the June 2018 test. I'd love to be added to the group/tagged in future messages so that I can gauge where everyone is and maybe catch up to the study group!
I won't be done with CC and ready for PTs by December, but I'd love to stay in this loop to see how you all do it. (I'll probably have to push back, again, to September 2018. Or maybe even later, but that's how the cookie crumbles.)
@Tenzin_W said:
I have not started CC yet... but I'm aiming for the June 2018 test. I'd love to be added to the group/tagged in future messages so that I can gauge where everyone is and maybe catch up to the study group!
Welcome to 7Sage! I will add you then you can join us whenever you are done with the CC.
I won't be done with CC and ready for PTs by December, but I'd love to stay in this loop to see how you all do it. (I'll probably have to push back, again, to September 2018. Or maybe even later, but that's how the cookie crumbles.)
When would you like to begin our study group meetings?
November with some of the older PT's to get "warmed" up and then from December with later PT's.
What day(s) of the week/time(s) work best for you?
Any day of the week except Friday from 7:30 EST. Saving Friday to get some rest as i will be taking PT's on Saturday.
What are some possible things you may be interested in exploring in addition to BR'ing PTs?
LR - Dedicate each week to discussing how to best approach different question types (Flaw seems to be high on most people's wish list)
However we could take it a step further by discussing related question types together. Eg Flaw with Weakening or contrasting SA and NA to clearly see the differerences.
LG - Would be interesting to find out if anyone has a different approach than shown on the video explanations depending on the PT just to get a different yet still correct way of approaching the LG question.
RC - Overall high level feedback on the RC section of the PT being reviewed. Did any question/passage stand out that would be interesting to point out to the group?
So, it's looking more and more like the time for our group will probably be 7:30pm EST. It seems to be a good medium that will allow the greatest amount of people to participate. I'm still waiting to see what weeknight(s) will work best. I just have to make sure that the night doesn't interfere with other 7Sage events.
Thank you for all the feedback so far guys.
Although our official study groups will take place on GoToMeeting, I've also made us a Discord Channel for us to start talking about things outside of BR. I know several people have been interested in possibly going over Flaws and Necessary Assumption questions. So, for things like this, I figured it might be best to use Discord, at least for now. That may change in the future, but here's the link if ya'll are interested: https://discord.gg/kpGkYx6
So, it is looking like we have a strong study group forming which is absolutely fantastic!
The next step seems to be figuring out when everyone would like to begin?
The sooner we start, the more flexibility we will have to do things beyond just blind review. Because the June 2018 test is so far away, this group will have some extra time built-in to do things like LR question type intensives. If anyone has any other suggestions of things you'd like to possibly implement into our weekly study group, please do let me know!
I guess the important thing going forward is to figure out the logistics, such as when to meet and at what times. Our last poll on the original thread had a pretty even split between people wanting to begin blind reviewing practice tests in November or December. Either of those is probably fine, but we can always get started reviewing other things sooner.
I'm interested to know what your thoughts and preferences are...
If you guys could all comment down below and answer the following:
When would you like to begin our study group meetings?
What day(s) of the week/time(s) work best for you? (Please include your time zone)
What are some possible things you may be interested in exploring in addition to BR'ing PTs?
I will do my best to accommodate everyone's input into our ultimate schedule going forward.
Thanks guy! I look forward to getting to know all of you and mastering this test together.
@"Alex Divine" Yayyyy! I'm so excited to get started as well.
When would you like to begin our study group meetings?
No specific preference. I'm good to go as soon as you'd like to begin.
What day(s) of the week/time(s) work best for you? (Please include your time zone)
I'm good everyday but Monday and Tuesday. I'm free anytime after 6pm EST
What are some possible things you may be interested in exploring in addition to BR'ing PTs?
I'm really struggling with Flaw questions.
Thank you so much for this
Would this only be appropriate if core curriculum is complete @"Alex Divine"?
If not, I would like to participate as well. I'm studying full time from now till sept 2018 so I would be free pretty much whenever. I'm PST.
Hey @nhafen23 ,
I mean, yeah I think it would be best to have everyone complete the CC first before beginning to practice test. However, if you would like, I can add you to our list and keep you in the loop. This way when you are done with the CC you can always join in with us!
We will also be doing some things beyond just blind review. So you may find some of the intensives and additional study group activities helpful.
1.When would you like to begin our study group meetings?
I am still working on drilling question types right now and would like to review PT's as late as possible.
2.What day(s) of the week/time(s) work best for you? (Please include your time zone)
Sundays or Sundays 7 am to 1 pm PST or Sundays 4 pm to 7 pm PST.
3.What are some possible things you may be interested in exploring in addition to BR'ing PTs?
Reviewing how to best hone in on fundamentals: different types of arguments like causal, phenomena-hypothesis
How to study: logistics, making the best use of time
@"Alex Divine" Sounds great. Thank you!
@"Alex Divine" I'm so proud of all of us for having the gumption to start this early!
When would you like to begin our study group meetings?
If we are focusing on BR-ing PTs, my vote is December
What day(s) of the week/time(s) work best for you? (Please include your time zone)
Anytime but Friday and Saturday. Preferably in the evenings if a weekday; morning/afternoon if a weekend
What are some possible things you may be interested in exploring in addition to BR'ing PTs?
Sessions that hone down on specific sections individually: RC/LG/LR
What's up, fam!
I'm ready to start whenever. Currently going through the CC for the second time and drilling prob sets/individual sections/foolproofing. I plan on beginning the PT phase in January.
My work schedule is flexible, but evenings are preferred. I'm on the Fresh Coast (PST).
I'm open to anything and everything.
Let's kill this thing, everybody!!!
@Freddy_D @"Lauren L" @tringo335 @btownsquee
Thanks for your input! We will definitely try to find the best way so that these groups are at a time when as many people can make it as possible.
I'm also loving all the ideas of all we can do outside of just simply PT'ing. I'm really looking forward to this being more than just a BR group; but an actual study group where we can all improve in every section!
I am in China, so the best times for me are Saturday nights (ew, nobody wants to do Saturday nights ever.) or Wednesday and Thursday nights around 7pm/8pm EST.
I'm doing PTs and drilling now and just want a solid score on the LSAT.
I'm a simple guy with simple needs. Sad.
Amen to that, brother!
I'm interested.
I'll sign you up for updates!
Where are you at in your prep?
When would you like to begin our study group meetings?
What day(s) of the week/time(s) work best for you? (Please include your time zone)
Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
What are some possible things you may be interested in exploring in addition to BR'ing PTs?
Exploring question types in LR specifically flaw and NA
Eliminating answer choices in RC
Anything LG (LOL)
Thanks for all the helpful feedback guys. Keep it coming!
Right now I'm sort of keeping track of when everyone wants to begin, and what the best times and days are to start.
From the messages/comments I've received so far, it looks like the best time would be somewhere around 7-7:30 EST. This would make it so our friends in CDT/PDT can make it, even if they're a little bit late. The issue is that if we were to start any later than around 7:30pm EDT, then those of us on the east coast would likely have to leave the sessions early. I know from my experience in other study groups that these BR sessions can easily go for 3+ hours.
I haven't chosen a day yet. I'd definitely like to get some more input from the other potential members first. I'm really going to do my absolute best to choose the days/times that will work best for everyone.
It's looking more and more like December may be the best time to start the actual PTs. We're split like 50/50 between those wanting to start now and those wanting to begin around December.
Perhaps we could begin by doing a few older PTs together while everyone finishes the CC and then start PTs36+ in December?
Im done with the CC, but I would love to do some drills as well as BR. Can we do some of the harder NA and Flaw types? I am free Tuesday, Friday, at 7pm est and am flexible on weekends. .
Right on!!
I've actually gotten about 3-4 messages of people wanting to review either flaws or NA questions. So, yes, we can absolutely go over those in more detail if enough people would be down!
Hi Everyone! I would love to participate in this study group! I have been trying to take this exam for over a year and a half now (eeck) but life was hectic. Im ready to seriously buckle down and tackle this! Do not want to take the exam until I feel ready so here I am.
I should be done with the CC by late November/early December
Any evenings would be fine with me (in NY) East Coast
I like the idea of drilling specific topics along with BR.
Looking forward to it!
Alrighty, that is what I'm talking about. I'm so happy to see that you have such a positive mindset!
I will add you to the group & Welcome!!
Welcome to the group, @SVICTORIA !
Hi group,
I would like to start As soon as possible. Maybe mid october so I can arrange my future schedule to be able to attend every meeting without any work, home related scheduling issues.
I work retail, however my boss is very accommodating when it comes to my application for law school. Sundays seem like a good possibility. I live on the west coast, maybe around 3pm PT.
Definitely seem to be needing work on flaw and Necessary Assumptions. Logic games are always a must review for me as well. Specifically in/out games.
I would prefer to start by the first (or second) week of November, because that's when I finish my CC.
Any day post 4PM not including Friday or Saturday works for me, I live in NY and MA; so EST.
I'd definitely want to work on drilling specific topics like flaw and Necessary Assumptions. I'm just down for anything, anything that will help me improve my score is worth the time and effort!
Hi! I'm excited to see this group getting started.
I've taken one PT (#36) post-CC, and am currently working on Foolproofing the games from PTs 1-35 and doing drills for LR and RC. I'm going to mix PTs (maybe one per week, to start with) and this type of drilling beginning this upcoming week. I'm aiming to take the test in Dec or Feb, with June as a backup. @"Alex Divine" - do you think I'd still be able to participate in this study group if I take 10-15 PTs by Dec and ~30 PTs by Feb?
I'm based in CA and my schedule is pretty flexible -- I generally study in the 8:30am - 4:30pm PT range. I plan to take PTs on Saturday mornings to simulate the actual exam.
In addition to BR, I might be interested in game-specific drilling and LR question-type drilling.
You will absolutely be able to participate! It's looking more and more like we are going to start taking PTs from 36+ sometime around December. However, like I mentioned above, it seems like a lot of people are interested in reviewing necessary/required assumption questions and Flaws. I was also thinking that if enough people were interested maybe we could start before December and take a couple of the older tests (1-35).
Hey ya'll!
Thank you for you input it is making it a lot easier to come up with some sort of plan going forward. I really like the idea of reviewing question types as a group. The beauty of starting so early is that we will have the luxury of the extra time to do so.
Hi everybody! I'd love to join the study group!
I'll be finishing my CC the end of November, so I could start PT's early December.
I'll be available after 7 pm EST during the week and anytime on weekends.
Perfect! We would love to have you Rprice08. I'll add you to the list.
Hello - I'm interested but I'm also trying to decide if I should take December vs Feb and now vs June. Any help would be much appreciated. If I wait until the June test then I will miss this admission cycle so will need to wait another year to apply. I guess you guys are all ok with that! I'm trying to be ok with it - I just really wanted to get it over and done with but it doesn't seem to be working out that way for me : (.
Also, will this study group be online or in person? I'm in NJ and daytime is best for me but I can make evenings work.
Hey @LCMama2017,
So, when it comes to deciding when to take the LSAT, the most important factor (and really the only one as far as I'm concerned) is to take it when you're ready. Being ready means having the average of your last 5-10 PTs at or above your target score. It's very hard to plan this around an arbitrary date the LSAC decides because everyone starts at a different score, has different goals, and progresses at a different pace.
The older I get, the more I realize that in the scheme of things another year isn't that big a deal. Especially not if it means a higher LSAT that will come with better admissions and scholarship opportunities. After all, your GPA takes 4 years to earn and the LSAT, which is far more important for the purpose of law school admissions, we often just try to rush to take. If it takes another year, so be it. I've never met someone who regretted taking more time to be ready and score higher!!
The study group itself will be conducted online. This way we can get the best 7Sagers from all across the world!
I'll add you to the group so you'll be tagged in any messages. Welcome!
Hi AlexDivine - thank you. You are right that I should just focus on being prepared. You are not the first person that has told me that and I think its time I start to listen. I do think that I would be in much better shape if I studied longer. As it is, I'm already stressing over the December test so I will delay. Thank you for adding me to your list!
I have not started CC yet... but I'm aiming for the June 2018 test. I'd love to be added to the group/tagged in future messages so that I can gauge where everyone is and maybe catch up to the study group!
Welcome to the group, @Tenzin_W !
Hello! I'm finally back. Long story.
I won't be done with CC and ready for PTs by December, but I'd love to stay in this loop to see how you all do it. (I'll probably have to push back, again, to September 2018. Or maybe even later, but that's how the cookie crumbles.)
I've missed everyone!
Welcome back, @"Bevs ScooterMinion" ! I was wondering what happened to you
Thanks, @Freddy_D !
Welcome to 7Sage! I will add you then you can join us whenever you are done with the CC.
Welcome back, Bev. I missed the heck out of you

Hi Everyone....
November with some of the older PT's to get "warmed" up and then from December with later PT's.
What day(s) of the week/time(s) work best for you?
Any day of the week except Friday from 7:30 EST. Saving Friday to get some rest as i will be taking PT's on Saturday.
What are some possible things you may be interested in exploring in addition to BR'ing PTs?
LR - Dedicate each week to discussing how to best approach different question types (Flaw seems to be high on most people's wish list)
However we could take it a step further by discussing related question types together. Eg Flaw with Weakening or contrasting SA and NA to clearly see the differerences.
LG - Would be interesting to find out if anyone has a different approach than shown on the video explanations depending on the PT just to get a different yet still correct way of approaching the LG question.
RC - Overall high level feedback on the RC section of the PT being reviewed. Did any question/passage stand out that would be interesting to point out to the group?
Looking forward to getting back on the BR calls!
Awww, thank you!
So, it's looking more and more like the time for our group will probably be 7:30pm EST. It seems to be a good medium that will allow the greatest amount of people to participate. I'm still waiting to see what weeknight(s) will work best. I just have to make sure that the night doesn't interfere with other 7Sage events.
Thank you for all the feedback so far guys.
Although our official study groups will take place on GoToMeeting, I've also made us a Discord Channel for us to start talking about things outside of BR. I know several people have been interested in possibly going over Flaws and Necessary Assumption questions. So, for things like this, I figured it might be best to use Discord, at least for now. That may change in the future, but here's the link if ya'll are interested: https://discord.gg/kpGkYx6
I'm still working on getting through the core curriculum but I'd love to join afterwards
We will be here for you!
I'll add your name so you're tagged in any updates!
@"Alex Divine" currently aiming for Dec 2017 exam, but quite likely that i'll be taking February 2018 as well! So count me in!
Will do!
Ditto. @"Alex Divine" , could you count me in too?
Sure thing!
open to pretty much anything
Anytime in November or December
I can meet all week as long as it is after 5:00 p.m PST