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Just saw your profile and I plan to send most of my apps this weekend. Do you know if submitting apps in late December considered late? I heard otherwise from admissions people but the forun poster indicate it is
Short answer: not really.
Long answer: degree of lateness depends on the school, but late-December probably isn't "too late" or any of them.
I think I would define "sending an application in late" in terms of "sending the application in after the school has already sent out acceptances to and thus 'filled up' all or 80%+ of their class." I doubt most schools have already done this by late December (or rather, early January, when they would actually get around to reading your application).
For example, some schools get tons of early applications but may still take a long time to fill up their class because maybe they want to wait to check out the pull, administratively take longer to send out decisions, waitlist a larger portion of their applicants, or take an extra long vacation.
I think that mid-late December is probably the average submission date. There's a wave of folks in January with December scores and there's a wave of folks way earlier in October-ish because of the September score.
I wouldn't worry about it. It won't be a huge knock to your chances.
It's also incredibly finicky and difficult to predict--another reason to not worry about it.
You know what.
Just check this link out.
Thanks @"nicolas.saw" Ill check that link out! I hope your cycle goes well
Same to you!
In at Berkeley today! I may have to make one of these LSN accounts. :]
Make it quick. Ideally you would make it and update it regardless of whether you get into individual schools or get turned down. We don't want an acceptance bias in the numbers.
I will do my best to be honest. lol
This thread should be a sticky! We always tell people to check mylsn for odds of acceptance, but it only works if a lot of people are (honestly) uploading all of their stats. The more people on it, the more reliable!
Thanks for doing this! Awesome list.
Congrats on UCB--that's totally my dream school. Did they give you any money? 
Interesting elements of your applications, too. I'd be curious to ready your personal statement!
No problem, glad to share. I hope it helps!
Thank you very much! No money yet. I still have to register for financial aid. :]
Send me your email and I'm happy to share.
Congrats on UCB! Our stats are super similar, and I'm also first gen. Haha. I'll be curious to see how your cycle pans out. My apps aren't quite out yet so will still be a wait for me.
Thank you!
I'm curious to see how you do, too! Good luck. :]
@goingfor99th Awesome stats! I noticed you mentioned that you were granted an LSAC fee waiver. I'm curious if law schools make note of that and whether it factors into their decision. I was also granted a fee waiver so I'm wondering if anyone might know.
Thank you!!!
I'm not sure, but considering how difficult it is to get one I suspect it's at least a consideration.
I’m lmb38 but essentially no data yet since apps aren’t out.