ok it seems pretty clear that the Paris RC is the graded one - is anyone else legit panicking now omfg. I like had a full blown meltdown in the middle of the section and now Im like praying for anything over a 158. Honestly that section was bonkers …
To me this sounds like more just the psychological side of taking the LSAT - as the day gets closer you're bound to become more stressed and miss questions you ordinarily would get right. I'd recommend making sure to just work on the mental side of …
Hey there, I am also doing the October test. My idea is that Im gonna PT pretty much every other day until the test. Day before Im just gonna do a big self care day lol (like yoga, eat well, relax, and go to sleep early). My plan for the week before…
3 weeks still is quite a bit of time to work on LG considering LG is the easiest place to make quick gains - my advice to you would be to drill LG every day that you're not doing a full PT. Like straight up drill like 3 to 5 full sets on those days.…
i am in literally the exact same boat as you - same scores, with the same drop in the recent tests. And now Im 3 weeks out from the test and realizing that my scores have been inflated lol. im focusing more on RC now because that seems to be where t…
From the fact that you routinely BR in the mid-170s, I wouldn't say returning to fundamentals is really your best option here - you don't appear to be lacking in that regard. My gut feeling is you're probably overthinking ACs when you take PTs. We a…
Hey there!
4 weeks in is still very early in the learning process - I didn't start seeing real improvements until about the 3 month mark. The first two months I would say focus super super hard on getting the fundamentals down (argument types/logic…
My best advice to you is first, foolproof LG - aim for a -0. That way you can give yourself a bit more of a buffer to miss LR and RC questions. My next bit of advice is ensure you are next to 100% accurate on certain question types in LR that should…
Don't worry! Most CAD law schools will happily accept under a 165 (I personally know of like 15+ people at Queens who scored in the 158-162 range and had GPAs in the 3.6-3.7 range when they were accepted). Not to mention, the last two acceptance cyc…