Just some advice that worked for me. I memorized the 9 valid argument forms until I knew them as well as my phone number (which I know very well). The invalid forms are anything but those 9. It took some time but now it's second nature. Gook luck, t…
My 2 cents on LG's is to prioritizes understanding the implications of each rule and spend enough time with each rule until you have them memorized. I like to do more thinking than drawing game boards. When I see an obvious split, I do it. If I don'…
I'm in! Just finished Argument Part section of the CC. I check 7sage pretty much constantly, so I am always available to answer questions. Please note where you are at will the CC.
@LSATcantwin said:
Feel gutted by the test. It was such a weird mix.
I went perfect on LG -0
I did horrible on LR -8/-5
I did horrible on RC -7
My lowest PT in the 3 months prior to the Sept test was a 163. My highest was a 174…
@airborne1 AC A is a mess! Yes it is wrong to say. The only "logical" thing would be to say "since there have been no populous fear of environmental disaster than no areas of small progress have been made." Your conditional translation of the senten…
I would love to join a study group for December's test! My diagnostic was 160 from the June 07 PT. That is the only one I have taken. Been working my way through the CC. However, I would take PT's as early as this weekend it someone could get one st…
@Euthyphro What game is giving you trouble? Would be easier to help you with a specific example. The good news is that if you can do a simple sequencing game, a double sequencing game isn't much different. No need to mess w/ PS. It is all well cover…
@Kewlaidd said:
If mark goes to school except Sunday, don't we say that : if mark goes to school, then it's not Sunday? Or if it's Sunday, then mark doesn't go to school?
Yes this is correct but you are using the conditional indicator "if" a…
@TheDeterminedC Thanks for the response! I was curious why "except" was not listed among the grp 3 indicators, hence my confusion. I thought there might be a reason why it was excluded. And yes to drilling! That is what I am doing with all the CC. …
@spitzy11 said:
I cannot agree more! I recently had a similar experience. I had my first -0 LG section on my PT on Saturday and that can be attributed to two weeks of drilling... AM, PM, in my sleep, you name it. It works people!!! I was going…
I'm hoping that some RC session host by Sages would come before Sept LSAT. After attending @danielznelson RC session, I feel more confident in RC.
+3 here for certain!
At fist, preventing yourself from rereading will force you to read slower. Think of it this way; you only get one chance to understand what this sequence of words is trying to tell me. After some disciplined practice, your reading speed will actual …
English is my second language as well. A few tricks I use are to visually abbreviate words that are not necessary to the understanding of the passage or argument, like "floccinaucinihilipilification" I would read as "flac" and be confident its conte…
@Sami said:
Honestly revisit Core-curriculum and do drills!
Having a lower score than 160 implies you still have a lot to learn in your fundamentals. Doing PT's is a good way to check if you have mastered the fundamentals but you certainl…
Just confirming what Darth said. I too read the LRB, however, I hit a wall at -3 or -4 per LR section. If I go -0 it's because I guessed correctly. Since I have not completed the 7sage CC yet (which I am going to), I cannot say for sure it's what yo…
@"Alex Divine" said:
"I think ultimately the practice of learning to diagram these out accurately and efficiently can lead to being able to do some of the longer ones in your head! So it's really a win-win."
That is A+ advice. Thanks Ale…
Have you tried reading the questions first? It is not a popular technique but as a slow reader it works very well for me. I do zero notating and only circle names and bracket passage sections mentioned in the questions. Maybe give it a try? I'm -1 o…
@LSATcantwin said:
"I had a better understanding of the rules"
Don't rush into the game board would be my 2 cents. Keep in mind, the LG section is asking you to analyze and infer, and you cannot do either if you do not understand the situation…
"statistical study of automobile theft"
1) It's a claim
2) It is a valid correlation NOT cause and effect
3) What could be a valid confound or 3rd variable to explain the phenomenon?
4) The only clear explanation is based on statistics
5) "Aut…
To the OP: Try reading the AC's first. Or at least preview them before reading the passage. I am a relatively slow reader and time is the killer in RC for me. Once I began scanning the answer choices first (not recommended for most), my accuracy and…
Wait until December. Bump your PT's to 170+. 2 hours a day, 5 days a week and you can achieve that. 7 sage or not, put the time in and you'll be rewarded. As far as the detriment of sitting in December, it's not as ideal as September but there is no…
@LetsHigh5 said:
@Coolmama09 : I can send you a Word file, which you can turn into a PDF, as well. But honestly, I don't think it won't be as effective as studying flashcards. I'm a teacher and the research shows that distributed practice cou…
@blljhnsn35 said:
Team WS (writing sample). My June writing sample would have convinced every one of you to be pro toll bridge.
That is a next level 180 response!
Bury that 152. Review the hell out it and own every question on that PT. Remember, a sub-par PT score is just another opportunity to climb up a rung. Scoring 160+ is simply having solid fundamentals, focus, and staying positive (as trite as that sou…
@rene4231 said:
Thank you so much to everyone who replied! I will just be doing 7sage and nixing the PS bibles!
P.S. If you know anyone looking for the trilogy I'm selling all three for $100 (LOL!)
Don't sell the books!!! Definitely wor…
DEFINITELY take the December test! Sorry to bring you bad news, but save yourself now. Study your butt off as if you are sitting in September, but wait until you are ready. period.