Generally, you can request the specific amount you want from Direct Plus Loan. If they end up giving you more, you can return it, but you would have paid a bigger amount on the loan origination fee. In the past, I've taken less without any issue, an…
LG was easy but weird. I skipped the first game after first read, because it was not a usual game, did the second game, finished it well. Read the third game, it was unusual, so i skipped it, Did the fourth game, it was easy. Reread the first LG, an…
No, you could write it on the scratch paper. I prefer underlining the 1-2 words in each paragraph that will prompt my summary of the structure of each paragraph.
Hey Courtney,
I'll do my best attempt.
The conclusion of the argument is that recently discovered fossil evidence cast doubt on evolutionary theory that dinosaurs are closer to reptiles than other classes of animals.
Why? A phenomenon (a fact obs…
Take it when you are ready scoring above your target score by about 3 points. Depending on what you are aiming for, You can't really set a target date. Focus on being disciplined in your studies and you'll get there
Do not submit a poem. I've heard from deans of admission at several top 14 schools not to do that, and that every year they receive poems, and just put it to the side.
Improve your mindset. You froze cause your thinking too much instead of just doing what is in front of you. Just have the mindset that every time you take a preptest, it is just another opportunity to do your best. And Nov test is just another oppor…
Break down of stimulus: (if) maintain deterrence (then) potential aggressor believe that you have superior power that they may not be able to defend if you retaliate
Contrapositive. (If) potential aggressor don't believe you have superior power to …
Honestly, I would advise you to figure out what were you focusing on. What about the argument did you not truly understand? Take time to reflect on this question. Focusing on NA questions will help you answer these types of questions. Because NA que…
Okay I'm going to answer without looking at the answer choices. I only read the stimulus. Let me know if it helps you understand.
Basically, "you have a claim without an explanation." That is the flaw.
Whoever stole the diamond must have worn glo…
Hi! I want to preface that I did not watch the video because I didn't want to have bias in my reasoning.
First, the question type is a most strongly supported, so check for assumptions and look for structures that will guide you to make good infere…
Hi #keets993, thank you for the clarity of your explanation. I've seen this pattern for two other questions. Is this a type of case that I should be on the lookout for. Just asking. Thanks in advance, and these questions seem to be very subtle becau…
I think I figured it out, can someone confirm it, basically, since 75 brands of popcorn account for more than half of sales account, then we can substitute microwave products of that take 3 min less with the 75 brands of popcorn.
Could someone help…
I foolproofed LG problems sets from CC using the Pacifico method. Everything was timed, take first copy, then watch JY video, then take the second copy. Next day take the third copy, and a week later take the 4th copy. But I already had good underst…
Hey, how's your conceptual understanding of validity? Because understanding validity will help you approach SA or NA questions with greater confidence. Furthermore as you study, you're not going to master these concepts overnight. You will need to c…
I would advise not to follow the pacifico method unless you already have a solid footing in logic games. Once you grasp the games very well, then you can follow the Pacifico method, but at first, I believe you would benefit from foolproofing each g…
I truly appreciate your clarity. Thank you for breaking this down for me. Shifting my lenses and focus. Basically when I am negating "100%". I need to show that the negated world has at least 1 or more are not, instead of focusing on the range of t…
@LSATlife said:
@lsathabib thank you so much for your help!! I will definitely BR wholeheartedly for each section that I complete and build up the stamina by the methods you suggested. could you tell me what you mean in the last part, start f…
I would definitely save PT 1-20 for question type drills. However if you are trying to drill for stamina, you need to be practicing doing fully times PT, timed section might help increase your stamina for a section, but not for the entire test…