What is it exactly that they're taking so much time on anyway? You'd think that an unscored portion of the test wouldn't take so long to review. Don't they just need to play back to the footage to check for cheating or something?
one of the differences that caught me off guard was that you can't move forward or backward in the questions using the arrow keys. I usually use that function on 7sage, so it became an ingrained habit to hit the forward key when I want to move on to…
I think it's important to take a cold diagnostic just to see where you're at without knowing any material. If anything it'll be good to look back on as you begin taking practice tests just to see how far you've come. It's likely that your score will…
I've watched screen recordings of myself taking timed sections and let me tell ya, it's like watching a horror movie where all the characters are doing exactly what you don't want them to do. Doing this a couple of times actually helped me get out o…
@99thPercentileOrDieTryin said:
My best improvements came from practicing translation drills over and over. Besides that, learning to tactically skip questions was massively beneficial. For example, when you come across a parallel reasoning qu…
7Sage has an Lsat Flex Score Converter (https://7sage.com/lsat-flex-score-converter/) where you can input the number of questions missed on each section and they'll recalculate on the basis of how that test would likely be scored as a flex.
I thin…
I'm prepping for the July flex (it's so soon it's terrifying) and I've been focused on taking flex-style PTs this past week. I'll go ahead and look for which sections are LR, and I'll pick one at random to do as a warmup section before taking the ot…
@noonawoon @sickomode Thank you so much for your helpful comments! You're 100% right about people with bad experiences being more vocal. It's so reassuring to know that June test takers had a relatively good experience and that LSAC is continuing to…
Hi I'm signed up for the July test and still don't quite get how ProctorU is supposed to work? Is there any explanation for proctor switch overs during the exam? And is there any way we could request to have one proctor through the entire exam? It h…
I started studying with a tutor a little over a month ago and I don't regret it one bit! However, I will say that tutoring can be expensive because it is such a valuable service. Your score should see a good amount if improvement just by doing your …
@"Juliet --Student Service--" Hi, thank you so much Juliet!
I've actually gotten in touch with LSAC and figured it out.
I'm going to leave my solution here in case anybody has a similar issue.
If you are using google chrome and somehow cannot lo…
We aren't meant to purchase the account on our own if we've been grandfathered into our accounts, right? I can't access any of the course material any more because I'm having issues with connecting to the Prep Plus account.
@"Oni LSAT" said:
Once you purchase the CAS, you can update your transcript for free by sending your new transcript from your university to their mail address. So you might want to send your current transcript to LSAC before your application. …
Even if you don't go through the whole LR CC, I would recommend going through the 'introduction to logic' and 'advanced logic' portions thoroughly. The content in those lessons lay out the basics of logic really well, which is key to acing more diff…
I also struggle a lot with testing anxiety, especially since my PT scores are still pretty inconsistent. Like others have mentioned, your anxiety and timing issues will begin to reduce as you get more and more practice, and seeing the results of thi…
I'm currently completing undergrad in Japan and am wondering the same! I've gotten a lot of mixed advice regarding applying as an international student.
While CAS does convert all international score assessments into a universal value (your Above …
@isaacdesanto said:
@sarahisk said:
At the webinar by LSAC regarding LSAT-flex, they mentioned that LR will not be double scored. They also stated that the questions will not be easier or harder than any other LSAT.
At the webinar by LSAC regarding LSAT-flex, they mentioned that LR will not be double scored. They also stated that the questions will not be easier or harder than any other LSAT.
Do any of you think it might be beneficial to start PTing with just three sections? I kind of like the idea of a three section test. I'm signed up for July, but who knows maybe they'll be back to regular testing by then.
@kes22284 @jmarmaduke96 Thank y'all both for your responses! I can definitely see how using retakes as a way to form test day strategy can be especially useful! Can't wait to dive back in :-)
@"Get Splitty Get Litty" I'll try BRing on paper! Seems like a great way to mix both methods. One of my other concerns is getting accustomed to the extra time I have on digital from not needing to bubble, and how that might potentially affect taking…
@noonawoon I guess what I'm confused on is the effectiveness of studying with the digital tester in general. Of course it won't be the same thing on test day, but I've ultimately decided to try to balance both paper and digital