Been struggling with keeping my mind stable and focused during a timed PT for over a year; I would score way below what I do for timed sections. Broke through my mental anxiety during my last PT and jumped 10points!
... have great points on this! I just made a 10 point jump ... can easily go higher. The 10 point limit theory, in my ... point jump way higher than 10points from their diagnostic.
If it helps, my diagnostic was 146, I scored a 166 in the Sept 2017 test, and will be re-taking this September to hopefully get 170+ SO IT IS DEFINITELY POSSIBLE TO IMPROVE WAY MORE THAN 10POINTS :) Keep up the good work !!!
When is an addendum necessary if you have a significant score increase? 5 points? 10points? 15 points? How do you explain the increase other than the obvious of continuing to study or hiring a tutor?
\10. Assistance 1. Did you receive any ... . If your answer to Question 10.1 is yes, please specify from ... . If your answer to Question 10.3 is yes, please specify ...
Depends on where the 10points are...if you're going from 140 to 150 the strategies will be different than a jump from 150-160; 160-170; 170-180. Also your section breakdown and BR scores.