... you're 25+ years old with a few years work experience, then ... my early 30s almost ten yearsoutof UG with just over six ... years in the Army so ... nobody cares, so leave it out. Even if you got arrested ... so much space to fill out a page and not ...
... 't go to school straight outofundergrad). Also, I found it ... you considered the huge advantage of taking the time to study ... than average for your LS of choice, and getting fantastic scholarship ... options. If you're fresh outof college, you have time. Think ...
... . If you're coming straight outofundergrad, for example, it would probably ... in my case, listing all of my jobs probably wouldn't ... appropriate. Work builds a lot of character though, so construct your ...
I'm outofundergrad, but I'd say focus on your finals. You've got plenty of time for LSAT, but there won't be anything you can do about your gpa once you're done with finals. No second and third chances.
... LSAT. I am a couple yearsoutof school and feel way older ... for a glass or two of wine about once a week ... and perhaps cut it out completely as the test-date ...
... the LSAT. Going straight from undergrad to law school is doable ... people need a break after undergrad especially if they worked so ... here who are 10+ yearsout or undergrad and are willing to take ...
... t mean much- plenty of 170 scorers have diagnosed ... you still have two years left ofundergrad haha, I feel ... a foreign concept to many of us, especially Logic Games ... time for those letters of recommendation, you won't ... feel trapped in terms of who to contact and ...
I bubble as I go and usually end up with about 1:15 remaining. I am really zeroing in on -2/-0 on games with the occasional outlier of -3. -3 is about 1 outof every 8 timed sections.
... said:
Second, SHOUT OUT TO ALL MY LIBERALS! of school's, and you can really miss out ... in big law 10 yearsoutof graduating, but I know ... biglaw for maybe 5 years after law school until ... single mom who dropped outof high school) and know ...
Did any of you include a paragraph or ... m 28... been outof school for 7 years. Not sure if ... They had kind of known all of the reasons I ... are asking. Being 7 yearsoutof school, I would imagine ... LORs from profs. Unless of course you have kept ...
... means an expert on any of this, and I tend to ... 're non URM and straight outofundergrad you are definitely at a ... see a graph of acceptances (and all sorts of other data) at ...
... .keim" I'm a few yearsoutof school and I've only ... , I definitely underestimated the difficulty of this exam and the time ... this. I don't eat out much or spend money on ...
... shop. It says that of the three flavors they have ... say now we have 4 flavors and 4 days. Chocolate, Vanilla, ... for is a placement of one of these variables for our ... only two ways the rest of the variables can go: ... other in spot 3 and 4. So one of C/V will ...
... room for some sort of improvement. Even with an ... occasional score of 180 people can still improve ... test off become more of a burden than achieving ... 't afford to take yearsoutof their lives to study ... can do after X amount of time.
... law school right outofundergrad, took the September LSAT of my senior year ... finals realized I was burnt out on school and needed a ... and applications, instead of taking full advantage of my senior year. If ...
... for the LSAT during undergrad and it just didn ... to be ashamed of. Once you're outof school, you can ... put the majority of your ... go right into law school outofundergrad (K-JD) and ... qualified. There are plenty of us in this community ...
... about what someone applying straight outofundergrad should include in their resume ... ones?** I'm thinking of just removing the research labs ... />
I was kind of in a similar situation as ... lend themselves to the purpose of either: proving your interest ...
... , thought I'd apply right outofundergrad, but I was also overwhelmed ... the statistics off the top of my head, but generally a ... good percentage of 1Ls take 1+ year(s ...