... consistently scoring in the -4 range with many -0s on fresh sections ... day and then do as many as you get to. (Set ... process. Do this to as many games as you can get ... . This process, regardless of how many games you get to, will ...
Even if we take the dictionary definition, it is still ambiguous like you said because the dictionary defines it as "manytimes." How many is manytimes though? More than half? Or less than half? Or half?
It is confusing.
@twssmith @MoralVacuum For Saturday, we're planning to do PT55 to keep y'all on your toes! Toomany 70s and you might get complacent. I'll have a post up shortly and we'll update the calendar soon! :)
Yeah, don't even waste your time trying to guess the experimental. Far toomany people did horribly on the LSAT for assuming where the experimental was only to find out it was a real section lol.