25 is a pretty average age. I think 25-26 is the average age of incoming 1Ls at most law schools. I also don't think there's a hard and fast rule. Likely anyone 30 and over would be considered in that category. 28-29 might be a gray area.
... and extra 30 minutes for each section. Instead of 35 minutes, I ... routine. I studied for about 30-35 hours over the course of ... I gave myself the normal 35 minute window. I scored again ... by giving myself an extra 30 minutes to complete the first ...
... and at least 75% get $22,500 or more, only 1 ... is 25th: $22,500 50th: $27,000 75th $35,000. It is ... know that 23.9% receive 35,000 or more but less ... full. There lower median of $22,500 is an extraordinary amount ...
I got an email yesterday saying if you're taking at a center, you can schedule Sept 26-27 and if remotely, you can schedule 28-29. Hopefully you got the email!