Hey guys! I will be taking the test on Saturday. I know the 35 min sections along with the break, but how long can I expect to be at the testing facility? I am taking it at a smaller location. So hopefully that will make it a little shorter! Right?
So I work on this question. It takes "otherwise" as indicator for bicondition. I wonder which course JY mention about "otherwise"
... are required to obtain PT 39 and 40. These two tests ... other people just skipped PT 39 and 40 in the curriculum ... I need, just not PT 39 and 40 :-(
... sat around for at least 30 minutes before we started filling ... timing instructions (you will have 35 mins to complete the section ... . I would say at least 30 minutes just to check in ...
For those getting consistently - 0 in LG, how do you guys do in timing?
Do you usually have bunch of time left after doing all 4 games? or do you need full 34 min (excluding 1min for bubbling)?
I got it right. But I don't know why J.Y said we can can make "some" statement by contrapositive. The relationship is about "all" statement.
Any idea?