2. I did horribly in my ... record. Increased my CGPA from 2.9 (almost going on probation) to ... 3.2 and sitting at 3.6 ... him proud. It took me 2 years to realize that this ...
... a difference between a 2.9 and a 2.4 though. Yes I ... matters in splitter territory. A 2.4 STEM gpa would be ... to adcoms than say, a 2.4 polisci or education major ...
@"nicole.hopkins" got into Northwestern with significant scholarship money on a 2.9 GPA with a 170 LSAT. Top of her class going into 2L too. A killer LSAT score goes a long, long way.
Just FYI I had a friend who had a 2.9 uGPA, studied hard, got a 177 on the LSAT, then got admitted to nearly every T-14 school (including Harvard!). He ended up going to UVA on a full ride.