... and am currently getting a master's in ed policy ... experience in international development, law, research work. I am ... I am happy to be able to take the ... next possible steps should be if I am trying ... do international human rights law so schools with international ...
... is, and some might be against this but we get ... whole passage. These will be questions like ones that only ... of a passage's questions, at least one is going to be ... this strategy is that you must work on getting all ... has allowed me to be so comfortable with it ...
... dangerous and that there is a widespread water contamination problem that ... myself, for the conclusion to be valid, it is not enough ... . Accordingly, the water contamination problem mustbe the more obvious one. In ... did I go wrong? What's the right way of thinking ...
I hope everyone'slaw school applications are going well ... classify as a splitter at some of the T14 law schools - mainly ... schools I should consider a stretch vs. a target.
... a letter of recommendation written by an employee of my cousin'slaw ... do you think about including a letter of recommendation from the ... the letter. The letter would be on company letterhead, which has ... since we share a name? I want to be transparent as possible ...
... see the flaw?"_ Let's use this FLAW question as ... light moths...what's the issue? obviously, there's something I'm ... to bea spectrum between the darkest to lightest! There must to be moths ... it.
... questions for anyone that may be able to help.
A's until graduation. I know GPA is important on law school ... know if this is a hinderance on Law School admissions, even if ... ? I.e. - are law schools going to be able to recognize the ...
... this passage is detailing Meyerson's critique of CLS and Paragraph ... compelling solutions to a legal question, it must therefore mean that ... any choice between the two mustbe random or irrational and ... is that first sentence just a really long-winded, abstract ...
... a 152-154. This would be an improvement from a previous try of a ... to law and if law school would be something ... I wanted to pursue. Within a ... I wanted. It's been in my mind ... certificate. (10 classes, all A grades).
So, starting January 17 to take the June test, requires over 50 hours a week of study. That's over 5 months, and the schedule requires 50 hours a week?! That can't be right. I can do 20-30 hours a week, so how do I adjust this in my schedule?
I recently received a full tuition scholarship at a school I plan ... . For background, I am a non-traditional student, already working ... income to solo income on a teacher's salary.
... with living expenses and other law school fees/computer/books? I ...
... br />
Because it is a Pattern MOR Q, I ... does not fully claim B mustbe QP.
Working through ... the wrong answers: A: Incorrect, talks about Mercedes ... include most, and includes a negation our argument does not ... gt; D or S
D or S m-> CS< ...
... our scores and potential law schools we’d ... with the caveat that it bea judgement free place. be a silent (except at ... the study sessions to bea part of this group ... />
Per 7Sage's discussion rules please refrain from ...
... with this question. This is a classic cause --> effect stimulus ... effect
A/ What can't this be the third option ... section and to me, AC A seemed like an obvious alternative ... . Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the ...
... planning to apply for law schools for the Fall ... interest in patent law. I have a B.S. in Electrical ... Engineering with a 3.7 ... do patent prosecution for a patent boutique. I'm ... think I can realistically expect a score of ~165.
... and I have a question about law school admissions. I ... converts your GPA to a 4.33 scale, meaning ... A+s. Does this hurt my chances or will law schools treat a ... 4.0/4.0 student similarly to a ... student who has a weighted GPA ...
... been working on them for a few weeks now (ok, ... (maybe -1 or -2 on a bad day) but my speed ... diagram on time I think (a minute or two-ish), but ... try out must/can be true q's or must/can be false q's, as ... if there is a better method I should be looking into. Any ...
... am posting on behalf of a 7Sage user. Please feel free ... />
I have a question, do you think it would be beneficial to ... do all four sections on a prep ...
... for a scholarship at a t14 that can get me a big law job ... tough. I did get a big law job in NY. I ... I want to live after law school and 3LOL in ... that off.
Law school kinda blows and in ... have to be able to use a bachelor’s to get a high paying ...
... my previous cycle, it's very clear to me that ... together as a person and will bea stronger candidate for law school. ... struggle with even if it's in private. Now...I' ... want to or if it's necessary to bring that ... I am unsure if that's like unprofessional to say? ...
Just broke 170 on a PT (174 BR), with -0 ... think I lose a lot of time on mustbe true/mustbe false questions ... />
I feel like there's either some technique or strategy ... hear input from people in a similar boat as me: high ...
... be graded on a curve and your exam performance is what law ... let’sbe real. Unless you have lawyer relatives or worked at alaw ... firm before law school, you don’ ...
... their cuteness; it can still bea + on the scale of cuteness ... book). For example, let's add a bit to the stimulus: be from a country without having an ... at least one of them mustbe false.
... : "if you want to bea lawyer then it doesn't ... to it then I could be just as successful.
... s say a 146, my chances of even getting into a below average law ... of getting into a school like Southwestern would be with early ... luck with your guy'slaw journey.