This is a very common complaint after a test administration and is why I do my retake tests at Starbucks. I put my earbuds in to hear the proctor app, but it's still very distractions. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
I know this isn't much help now but maybe for future test takers.....before the exam the proctor had everyone put their chapstick in the front of the room or in the trash saying it was a violation...good ole LSAC.
... top 50% candidate from UT Austin? Who is more qualified? There ... would only interview the UT Austin graduate for an associate position ... I know graduated from UT Austin in the 70s and he ...
... @nicole.hopkins dream school - UT Austin (especially for philosophy and criminal ... ), Stanford, Michigan, Columbia, Berkely, UT Austin (Levinson, Gary Geoffrey Jacohbson) you ...
bubbling at the end of each section is totally cool as long as your Proctor gives you your test back during the break saw this done when I took the October LSAT. Definitely a terrible idea to wait until the end of section to bubble in.
Lady rips apart her answer sheet in front of proctor and leaves before the time is called.
" I don't want it scored"
Real story. I am sure they will report her to LSAC.
... wrecking my concentration..
The proctor just sat there, almost as ... . I caught eyes with the proctor and motioned behind me, as ... "do something!"
.... She [the proctor] just smiled at me. I ...