... the target time while getting all the questions correct. Obviously, the ... _below_ the target time with all questions correct every time, but ... weight of having to do all 4 games in 35 minutes ... strings pulling on it from all different directions.
hope all is well. I heard sages ... @"Jonathan Wang" advocate for watching all the JY LR video explanations ... words, should I try watching all 26 LR video explanations for ...
do you guys watch all of JY's LG videos for every single logic game you do? Even for LG's that you got right under the estimated amount of time? Would love to hear any thoughts/advice/pros/cons. thanks so much.
I've been struggling to find ways to work on questions before watching the CC videos,
and just realized I can print out all the prep tests... all the hours I spent on screenshots...
... connected to a mass consciousness, all the parts share consciousness. this ... ’t experience constant sensation from all his parts, because he’s ...
... correct way of translating 'not all' statements into lawgic?
It ... example, from PT 82, "Not all tarantula species have poison fangs ... there are 2 conditional indicators all and not) or as T ...
... misconduct matter related to any educational, personal, professional, military, business, or ... misconduct matter related to **ANY** educational ... behavior or action," would that ... of behavior at post-secondary institutions, as well.
I'm tired of downloading and printing out each file, don't know why but it takes forever to download each PT.
Is there a giant compiled PT so I can just download it overnight and print out all at once?
Thank you.
I've taken all of the PTs 60 onwards in full. Does it make sense to redo the more recent ones (78-84) as I get closer to the November test date, or should I take the earlier PTs that I haven't taken before? Thanks so much!