So yesterday I received an acceptance notification from UChicago and a denial from The University of Michigan. By all accounts, Chicago is a much better law school so how was I outright denied by U-M but accepted by Chicago?
... find the building (University Hall). Montclair State University is kind of split ... found this info on the University website I probably would've ... . If you google "Montclair State University Hall Room 1070" you can ...
... letters from both University of Melbourne (JD) and University of Sydney in ... submitted so far, as North American ones do not open until ... planning to apply to North American ones as well once they ...
7Sagers! Our very own Amy Bonnaffons (@amycbon) wrote a short story that's going to be on *This American Life* **this weekend!** Listen to it and be amazed! She is incredible.
Does anyone have any reviews about this place? I just signed up to take the June LSAT there and I'm a little nervous because I have never heard of the place before. Thank you in advance!
... student review of changes in university admission standards.
American Model United Nations Conference in ... review of changes in university admission standards. XX ... Represented XX at the American Model United Nations Conference ...
... an offer from a lower rank school which I am willing ... a response from a higher rank school which I really like ... know, will sending the higher rank school the offer from the ... lower rank school increase my chance of ...
So, I went to French university, and they are score snobs, ... compared to 99% of other American applicants and also not in ... />
I also went to a university in China for a year ...