First, are we allowed to discuss which section was experimental on a nondisclosed test? And second, if so, anyone who took it want to help figure out which sections were experimental? I had two LG sections.
... the case of Asian minorities (hint: I'm Asian), does it help ... to specify what type of Asian you are, if it will ... say that you're simply Asian, but I'm wondering if ... you specify what type of Asian. Anyone have any experience with ...
I'm an International student (South Asian) applying to Law schools in the US. Do I qualify as a URM? also how much of a boost can I expect being a URM?
Hi, do I qualify as a URM? I'm a first generation low income South Asian student. Also, is URM based solely on race/ethnicity or do economic factors play a role?
I was looking at the scheduling page and saw that it requires first 4 letters your last name but my last name only has 3 letters... What am I supposed to do? Help my fellow asian friends