I'm interested in joining a studygroup for the November 2019 LSAT, but I'm not sure how it works or what it means. Do we just meet and chat or is there a curriculum....?
**Hey everyone!**
I just took my first prep test (June 2007) and lets just say I wasn't super happy with my results. I am hoping to take the June 8th LSAT and was looking for someone or a group to work towards that goal with?! :)
If you are looking to study with me for the lsat ... lmk. I can study on the Rutgers campus. If ... pre-law and need to study for the lsat or if ... /piscataway area and need to study for the lsat and are ...
... Loophole by Ellen Cassidy, our studygroup is going to be reviewing ... translations and CLIR as a group on Wednesday 5 pm Eastern ... the link to join our group: