... , who claim you will not get a job after graduation by attending ... law school unless', which consequently isolates a majority of minorities...is at least ... AAs/MAs is sub 145- that they will not have a respectable future ...
... i want worst thing is i have a real test under my ... many legitimate sources that February isnot the best time to take ... cycle, most schools have already given admission to many students and ... when scholarships and admission is full seems like a waste of time ...
... it that way. It is LSAC's fault because they ... her score and this incident is fully documented, IMO they ... with. An analogous example is going to the movies. ... show I should not only be givena full refund for ... the film where no one is bothering me). Also I ...
... goodness that is so weird! No I did not have anything ... will perform on any given test and they can' ... your score into a curve that isnot even for a test that ... think that the difficulty level is the same. I think ... They shouldn't have given out different tests.
... Danielle and not enough to her advisor. Her post is indeed just ... otherwise saying it's a good idea. Given that, the 'buying into ... on my seeing a tone that, in retrospect, isnot as clear as ... logical reasoning, and I did not make any other character judgment ...
... do not go with Kaplan... just don't, it isa waste ... NEED the ultimate package unless you want the extra ... the RC, as it isnot very strongly recommended generally but ... want to be a lawyer, it isa very frustrating and ... make sure it's not just some career phase ...
... advice was to not write one unless it was necessary ... and accurate. Like if that is ... that he would not want a student with that type ... law school taking on such a rigorous course load. not intentionally do that. ...
... stem is saying - I inherited this problem I guess as a result ... to think of it in a more "lawyerly" way find the ... 's been given and see what the question stem is asking i ... games.
... file will note "absent." This isNOTa score of zero, nor will ... don't worry about it (unless you feel fully capable of ... it still, but sounds like a rough night)