... (s), I would avoid lookingat SA/PSA as strengtheners ** ... br />
15/100 strengthen answer choices are sufficient assumptions review, strive to really understand the ... do not complete capture my previous frustration with SA questions, ...
... and the BR answer was right: you can review your process on ... look at the exact question - just compare answer sheets and mark at the ... the answer choices I circled. It helps to not see your previous ...
... in a little on typical blindreview (BR) here.
> answer was right: you can review your process on ... look at the exact question - just compare answer sheets and mark at the ... the answer choices I circled. It helps to not see your previous ...
... you ever get stuck in blindreview, you can substitute Q for ... .
I suggest not lookingat a particular game to figure ... vice versa. This part will answer your question and give you ... not. Basically, with any conditional at all, if the necessary is ...
The ... checked the answer key lol. If you’re lookingat the explanations ... />
Reflecting on each answer choice in depth and realizing ... after blindreview, I had no clue what the right answer choice ...
... I'll do blindreview. I do each passage, one at a time ... completely sure about the correct answer (but fairly confident), circling ... and eventually choose a different answer than my initial gut reaction ... t completely explained in my previous post, but I think ...
... 'll do blindreview. I do each passage, one at a time ... completely sure about the correct answer (but fairly confident), circling ... eventually choose a different answer than my initial gut ... than circle) recent claims/previous claims/conventional wisdom and if ...
... 'll do blindreview. I do each passage, one at a time ... completely sure about the correct answer (but fairly confident), circling ... eventually choose a different answer than my initial gut ... than circle) recent claims/previous claims/conventional wisdom and if ...
I do not blindreview all the questions. However, I ... see patterns and get better at finding answer choices that were wrong ... one reason an answer choice was wrong, but by looking for every ... reason an answer choice could be ...
... do the BlindReview, but when I started doing the BlindReview, I ... noticed that I couldn't see what answer I ... the Timed take. Instead, when lookingat the status bar, all I ... BlindReview window and because I wasn't using a physical answer ...
... ? Some of them I answer no problem, but nevertheless ... the presence of attractive wrong answer choices, complicated argument structure ... Really it just takes lookingat the questions from a ... earlier 10 Actual books. Blindreview of those sections further ...
... film one section at a time. After I blindreview and before ... I look at the answers I just review the ...
>Unlike how you recommended "lookingat the questions from a different ... out explanations for why each answer is wrong or right ...
... PTs, especially at the beginning, is that blindreview is ultimately the ... spend the time in blindreview you can insure that ... each question took you to answer. That helps to understand ... pace.
... What I personally suggest for BlindReview, which was probably the ... gt; Thank you for the blindreview method, I will be trying ... doing more with the blindreview method I mentioned would ... why those answer choices are wrong without lookingat the explanation. ...
... mental censor for when the answer choices don't make sense ... and you go through the answer choices looking for one thing, but ... LSAT, I think I caught at least one of these from ... mistakes in BlindReview--if you can squeeze in a mini-reviewat the ...
... . At the end of each PT, after doing Option 2 BlindReview, ... quickly go through the answer sheet and ... marked as wrong WITHOUT lookingat the correct answer (if 7sage, use ... , you want to look atanswer explanations only as a final ...
... drilling might not be the answer. If you are particularly ... br />
2) Go through the answer choices and ask yourself "what ... question wrong even during blindreview. But lookingat it through different ... time actively breaking down answer choices. Did you truly ...
... two) and focus on blind reviewing. The review process helps you see ... tests, be weary of looking for perfect answer choices. Play the game ... still learning but I'm at a point where I am ...
... test, you start anticipating answer choices. So they ... correct answer choice. And looking back at the enticing WRONG answer choice, ... So when you blindreview, you need to blindreview for different things ... longer just looking for why the the answer choices are ...
... t then at least practice translating the LR stimulus IN BLINDREVIEW AND ... of the time you are looking for (necessary/sufficient conditions, ... you are keeping a wrong answer journal and are diligent ... have noticed that the wrong answer journal is beneficial for ...
... beginning, I made a wrong answer log for LR with explanations ... for why the correct answer was right and every other ... answer was wrong. This was really ... gains I was looking for.
... your reasoning for choosing the answer you picked, and the ... in choosing that answer over the correct answer. Study your correct ... picks like that). Really lookingat what you did wrong is ... question and answers in blind-review (and post blindreview, since that's ...
... your reasoning for choosing the answer you picked, and the ... in choosing that answer over the correct answer. Study your correct ... picks like that). Really lookingat what you did wrong is ... question and answers in blind-review (and post blindreview, since that's ...
... BR. My strategy was to blindreview things enough to create a ... I missed a question after blindreview, I wanted to feel like ... on BR vs in-depth review afterwards with correct explanation (+1 ... lookingat the answers!_ Then I would try to anticipate the answer ...
... think it makes me nervous lookingat the clock as slow reader ... reading, it's timidity in answer selection. You've got to ... between your timed score and blindreview score. It won't improve ... would always choose a placeholder answer on her first pass before ...
... actually more beneficial to review all questions at this stage for you ... 100% sure of and then blindreview those after finishing the section ... yourself to explain a right answer in the way you'd ... (mid 170s) and have been looking for others to join but ...