It happens, I get caught up when I read random article online that have nothing to do with the LSAT. My brain goes into LSAT mode and I catch myself trying to validate arguments lol
@arabprodigy30 Do yourself a favor and buy some stim toys, they really do help. Something to fidget with while you're doing things keeps me from getting too distracted. I have a little brain puzzle and some silly putty by my desk at all times. :)
@AlexanderL0 I'm not a cross fitter but there is plenty of overlap. I do ketogenic paleo on top of IF and I lift after work (brain power is highest 6-8 am so that's when I do fasted blind review every morning ;) ).
I would suggest that you try to take breaks every 10-15 mins after an hour prep. Also, make sure that the food you are consuming is healthy as well. maybe try to work-out? A lot of people recommend meditating too.
@emli1000 Uggggg. As soon as we think the LSAT is done… BAM. Law School. Same brain destruction. Same needless frustration. I'm going to go curl into the fetal position and contemplate my life for a couple of hours whilst uncontrollably sobbing.