PT B or A. I forget which one exactly but at least one of them had a killer sequencing game, which required you to make intelligent bruteforce choices to finish the game in a reasonable time frame
... choices should come before bruteforce. If I lack that ... the bruteforce necessary? For the above mentioned game bruteforce is not ... />
In conclusion, bruteforce can sometimes be useful, but ... types, try to avoid bruteforce unless it is absolutely ...
... case where you have to bruteforce. LSAC could not care less ... whether you have brute forcing skills. They want to ... you resort to too much brute forcing.
Guys, I understand that bruteforce is not ideal and should ... better to work on not brute forcing? Timed individual games or ... entire section? I don’t bruteforce during BR because BR would ... running I go back to brute forcing.
... my estimation which bruteforce is the _preferred_ strategy. Bruteforce works, but ... any time we are brute forcing a question: we ... make the act of bruteforce unnecessary. Strategically picking an ... first is not bruteforce, I am defining bruteforce here as ...
I had two LG (Sections 3 and 4). Thought section 4 was a little bit easier, more traditional. Both were tough in that I had a tough time making initial inferences. I just had to bruteforce try things. Thought the rest of the test was fair.
... ; For #19, same thing. Just bruteforce and test out the answer ... panic when I need to bruteforce a question... I always think ... knowing when you need to bruteforce. It's rare you have ...