I was on "Academic Notice" at one point early in my undergrad. Applications have been asking about academic probation. Are these different? Should I disclose on my C&F section?
A lot of schools list questions such as "have you ever had disciplinary actions/charges brought against you?" Does disciplinary action include inquiries?
Other schools specify that they're asking for "academic disciplinary actions/academic ...
... addendum and then in the C&F Q you can refer ... probation—because of one F or 5 F's and then returning ... time away, etc.). Generally C&F should be short and addenda ...
Delete everything in this post and PM me the state where it happened and we can set up a time to discuss this stuff. Never discuss C&F in an open forum, even if you have a BS screen name.
... are orange" = "Fish, some orange" = F O (or the other way ... orange are colored" = F O ----> C = FC (Some fish are colored ... it were reversed (O ----> CF) no transitive conclusion could be ...