Wait is this expiration in reference to purchasing PTs through Cambridge? I've never had a problem with buying/downloading from Cambridge, but guessing I should buy the few PTs I haven't bought already?
There's also the Manhatran book that has them broken up by type.
The Cambridge printed book is still available on Amazon, although yesterday, they didn't link to it directly which was weird... But it's $100 used copies start at $45
Do you have the Cambridge PDFs? I used those to drill by question type/difficulty after finishing the "curriculum" (came to 7Sage a bit later into my process and didn't follow 7Sage's curriculum to the tee) and it seemed to help.
@runiggyrun fortunately, I have the cambridge packets so I still have a ton of "new" questions. Revisiting the appropriate videos seems like a good idea. thank you!
Like jdawg mentioned, they're unfortunately no longer available. LSAC cracked down on PDFs early last year, Cambridge was the last to survive and they closed it down about a month ago.
... and each question just as Cambridge provided. Well, maybe not exactly ... # from the bottom of the Cambridge packets and created those sites ... time to create their own Cambridge packages. That was some hard ...
Just thought I'd bump as I guess this question will come up again. I believe this is the first test we will all have to buy via amazon. Cambridge was still up when 77 came out. =(