... above my goal score on BR and have gotten ... point where I think I can consistently score in the ... real test score- but ONLY onblindreview. I'm still a ... the last passage and don't have enough time for ... any tips anyone might have on just getting faster? Like ...
... my BlindReview score (~164-165 on the timed and 176-178 on the BlindReview ... difference between their Timed and BlindReview scores? Anecdotes, tips, and guidance ...
... real exam before and really can't decide whether to take June ... a 168 actual with 176 onBlindReview. This is right around where ... was:
-4 on LG (I didn't get to the fourth ... , spent 3+ minutes on some questions, and didn't make it to ...
... without completing the actual blindreview, so the blindreview results were obviously the ... it recommended to complete the blindreview immediately after taking the practice ... any insights on the best way to complete the blindreview after taking ...
Hello, I have been doing BlindReview and WAJing according to the lessons in the syllabus for LR and I found them extremely helpful. I was wondering if there is anything different I should do in terms of blind reviewing and WAJing for RC?
I don't think spending hours looking at ... you can'tfind an answer right/wrong in a couple minutes just move on ... it the more confused you can get..
... of what to study for on the LSAT. now that i ... may have, and that person can offer you a clearer understanding ... struggling with something and i can'tfind the answeron 7sage but that is ...
... what is going on, why the right answer is right and ... decent explanations for whatever you can'tfindon here) I would hold ... the whole course depending on how long it takes ... are dealing with you can throw at least one ... you are doing. Don't be afraid to skip a ...
... vary in difficulty so don't get discouraged by not so ... time onblindreview and be sure you're picking through every answer while ... incorrect. Blindreview is vital, absolutely vital so don't skimp on your efforts ...
... cases where I can't even focus on my pencil) on RC and I ... I review RC passages. I review RC the same way I review LR ... for why the answer choices are wrong, and can identify exactly where ... the right answer is in the ...
... more so the program relies on the willingness of the fishing ... is that the fishing industry can'tfind out about the toxins in ... answer choice (B) is correct. B says that the fishing industry can ... the other answer choices are wrong because it doesn't deal with ...
... go through and blindreview only the circled questions. Typically onblindreview I get ... a question that I didn't circle on the exam (although it ... questions, or simply choosing an answer option that was a distractor ...
Once I have to re-read a stimulus and still can'tfind the answer I think I should be looking for... SKIP.. No need to waste time on a question when there's 24-28 more and they're all 1 pt each.
... see them. All I can say is drill, drill ... head albeit sometimes convoluted sentences can throw me off). Once ... you do this you can anticipate what the missing link ... memorize common trap answer choices) and diagram everything onblindreview. Sometimes for ...
Drilling: ... say you are working on must be true questions.. ... 1-35 for practice on the questions that you ... curriculum. So kinda work on them like homework. Try ... up. Don't forget to do blindreview a day after ...
If you can'tfind the conclusion, if you can'tfind the flaw, if you pre ... -phrase and that answer isn't ... in the ACs, or if you don't have ... likely spending too much time on easy questions as well as ...
... of arriving at the correct answer under timed pressure, but "second ... :
To me, it doesn't matter one bit that you ... to prove it onblindreview means that you didn't get it right ... to get lucky - which didn't happen on test day.
... individuals disagree on before you even look at the answer choices. More ... one thing that they disagree on. On the more difficult questions, ... go through the ACs and can'tfind it (because it's subtle ... couldn't locate it in the stimulus, read each answer choice ...
... on the easy questions that you can just pick the answer and move on ... your takes and review the footage. Analytics can't pick up on under confidence ... to do it is to review your actual takes. Turn ... pacing strategy. You just can't let yourself get bogged down ...
... of my main issues I find is that I almost ... be so many people who find the 70's LR especially ... haven't taken a PT in the 70s yet, so I can't ... personally speak on it, but it almost ... thorough blind reviews. I think you'll start to catch on to ...
... Some ppl would say don't exhaust all the problem set ... the problem sets before moving on. It can really only help with ... about this during the lesson onblindreview.
Also, something you ... is that all lessons aren't created equal. So while there ...
... i focused in onblindreview i would do better on my next PT ... questions that i missed. i find this to be much more ... ://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/10875/blind-review-is-my-best-friend t worry too much about fixing ...
... stuck between answer choices or I can'tfind the right answer, I ... than spending time upfront on them. My score literally ... combined to -3 range on both sections now because ... want to spend time on reading the passage but ... the time you spent on each question for your ...