If anyone is available week nights to go through problemsets or practice tests please let me know. My email is nocera4@tcnj.edu and I could communicate through skype or email I'm on EST if that works for anyone.
If by test you mean quiz/problemsets then yes. The printing can take quite a while so if you want to print out all the problemsets at the beginning then that might be a good idea. But no need to print out preptests until you've finished all the lessons.
Yes other professions are included, especially professions where you deal a lot with other people. But the details aren't important. I'm just asking a causationcorrelation LSAT question.
@Siddharththanki, do you really think so? The ultimate and premium only offer more problemsets and access to exams and answers that can be obtained elsewhere at a much cheaper price. Or am I missing something?