Yeah guys ... Sorry to say ... My color coded/35minutes watch lasted 4 months and about 20 PT's and then it bit the dust. If i were you, I would get a better watch (180 watch) and then even think about getting a super cheap backup at CVS or something.
I do not have any legal stuff to disclose in Character and Fitness... Not even a speeding ticket....I look at it now and I may need to go ahead and write the Disability Addenda since two required documents will lean heavily on my disability.....
@"LSAT Determined" In theory, it doesn't matter how you diagram as long as you understand what you are diagramming. But if I were to interpret the diagrams of @"The Last Emperor" it would appear to me that the elements are immediately beside each other, ...
Really would need more info in order to offer any insight here. What tests were you writing when you got that 160-163 range? What tests did you take that you got lower than usual on? What is your favorite color?
LR wasn't bad. RC last Passage was rough for me. I think we can all agree that LG#3 was a joke? I cannot think of any clever ways to solve it. Brutal force is just a little better than guessing if you have enough time.
Admin note: No specifics, ...
I'm amazed at how many people don't read the instructions on their ticket. My center turned away several people because they didn't have pictures on their ticket and numerous people had grocery bags instead of ziplocs
If anyone has PT.68 as a PDF and wouldn't mind emailing it to me it would be greatly appreciated! I ordered it and it has yet to come. I would really like to be apart of the call tomorrow. Thanks!