... to see what most peoples comparativepassage RC strategy was. I used ... J.Y. method of reading the 1st passage, seeing what you can ... the answer, and then reading the second passage and going back to ...
... out there) there is a comparativereading section. I noticed that there ... the curriculum. Is comparative readings still part of reading comprehension on the ...
Does JY have any lessons on comparative RC passages and how to approach them? I just cannot find any at the moment and thought maybe it was just me. Not sure though lol.
One of my biggest areas of weakness is the A/B ReadingPassage. I know JY recommends starting with Passage A and answering every relevant question before moving to Passage B. Is this the best approach? I would love suggestions on approaching this section.
... ? I have the impression that reading stays somewhat consistent across all ... for the switch to the comparativereadingpassage, but other than that, if ...
... high 160. (the comparativereadingpassage was probably the hardest passage I have ever ... encountered, up there with space passage from PT76). If LSAC was ...
... , and reviewed Powerscore Bibles. After reading the Bibles and taking my ... out of time on the ComparativeReadingpassage. Also, on each LR section ...
... me, the introduction of the comparativereadingpassage made completing the RC more ... has advice on tackling the comparativereadingpassage I would love hearing your ...
The New York Times has a feature called "Room for Debate," which has about 4-5 essays written about a specific topic. This provides good practice for the comparativereadingpassage.
I suggest reading things like the Economist and ... you in the habit of reading the types of passages that ... the test and improve your reading skills. Also, the New York ... is good practice for the comparativereadingpassage.
... that are just about passage A before even readingpassage B (to prevent ... my question.... I encountered a ComparativePassage on a PT where there ... like that, should I read passage B first, answer the ... on B, then proceed with Passage A?
... less convenient to implement the comparativepassage method in which you answer ... questions pertaining to Passage A first then proceed to readingPassage B.
How does everyone approach the comparativepassage in reading comprehension?
I' ... advocate for readingpassage A, going through the questions then readingpassage B and ... needlessly bouncing around in the comparativepassage in terms of having to ...
... PT 52 and now have comparative passages on my PTs. comparative passages? After I read passage A, should I ... before readingpassage B? Or should I read passage A, then read passage B ...
Hey guys! A comparativepassage question-
I recently ... really liked the strategy of readingpassage A, trying to eliminate answer ... choices based on his reading of only passage A, then going ... back to passage B and finally finish answering ...
How have you guys prepped for that passage? I have gotten good at the harder passages but still manage to miss a few on the comparative passages. Tips? Thanks! Love 7sage and how helpful everyone here is.
... by readingpassage A and then going through the questions, then readingpassage B ... guys find the strategy of reading one and doing the questions ... then reading the other and repeating the ...