... this property is dependent upon context. Yet there are no clear ... criteria for determining whether context-dependent properties are present in ...
Hey everyone, I feel sometimes the lsat throws in indicator that aren't building conditional relationship. how can you tell when the conditional statements are important in a lsat question or when their not.
So for necessary assumptions, the assumptions can be about the context, premise and conclusion? If the negation a statement attacks, say, the context of an argument, would this statement be a necessary assumption? Am I understanding this right??
I can't recall if further more was one of our indicator words. I am getting confused, does furthermore introduced the main conclusion and follow the main premise?
Hi all, I'm not through the CC yet (obviously). When learning logical indicators, I'm trying to reason my way through them, because I know I will forget rote memorization. I understand why all the translation rules apply so far, except for "until." ...