Been reading a fair bit about the January exam. For those who also wrote in November, did you find it to be easier/about the same/more challenging than January? This is obviously a subjective question.
... considering moving my LSAT to November. The only issue I have ... not accept lsat scores past November). Obviously I would be taking ... more time and take the November test? Thanks in advance!
... that would be viable for November (anything else would be a ... register for that spot in November now? Should I wait and ... that if I register for November now, the total number of ...
... All-- I was wondering if November was too late to apply ... so I did terribly. Would November (which means scores/application in ... lower if I applied with November scores.
Hey guys! If y'all are taking the Nov LSAT, and want to be in a GroupMe with other people who are also taking the LSAT in November, DM me your number! Our main focus will be Blind Reviewing practice tests. We can all help each other out :)
Hello to everyone taking the November LSAT next week and I wanted to wish you good luck and tell you that we freaking GOT THIS IN THE BAG. We're gonna kill it and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
Curious if November LSAT takers are taking it to apply this year or next year? Always curious because if its next year wouldnt you have plenty of time to keep studying and taking the LSAT early spring? If this year, then of course its the right move