@nicole.hopkins. You are right, I will give myself some daysoff and read some Charles Dickens' novels and watch some movies. I promise you I will never study during my break. :)
Thank you, all! I have gotten much better than where I was when I wrote this post originally. Still much left to do. Took a few daysoff. Celebrated my son's 18th birthday, and he leaves for basic training in a few days. My focus needs more focus! lol
... out, maybe take a few daysoff from LSAT. Go relax, hang ... said that taking a few daysoff helped them immensely in the ... days leading up to the test. ...
... week, but I take 2 days to BR (very deep BR ... I don't see any daysoff mentioned in there. Whoops, just ... very deliberately take 2 daysoff per week and don't ...
I'm glad to read this thread. I took 4 daysoff last week and felt so incredibly guilty. I knew burnout happened, but I refused to let myself just relax and told myself I was making excuses. I feel so much better after the break!
Sounds like a little burnout going on... I would take a few daysoff, if not a week... You don't want to keep pushing too hard and then you feel this way on game day.