... focus on going into the Dec LSAT is the questions that ... stimulus and what the correct answer choice is I think would ... game and kill it in dec.
... is not an immediately correct answer to prephrase). Here is ... Coal than 1990, but **(key step in solution is right ... and consumption can affect the answer independently, that means I ... br />
5) Rule out Answer Choices
A: Compares production ...
... Point and MSS. The key is identifying what is most ... every way. The wrong answer choices are always going to ... can recognise why the correct answer choice is better than others ... can't comprehend why an answer choice is right/wrong, ... the logic behind the answer!!
... extremely subtle. I think the key is to recognize just how ... take on the latter three answer choices:
> ... but divergent crime rates. This answer also makes sense in context ...
... 't help but remember the answer. I stayed away from doing ... less on circling the correct answer choice, and more on the ... select an answer. If it's a question where a key inference ...
... we ALMOST get the right answer and 2) we ignore all ... be All) 2) Are any answer choices too vague or specific ... think it does. Double check key words to make sure they ... key premise. For instance, does the conclusion mention puppies and the answer ...
... -depth explanation of why each answer is right vs wrong. After ... under time, I check my answer. Then I listen to JY ... my journal some of the key issues that led me to ...
... -depth explanation of why each answer is right vs wrong. After ... under time, I check my answer. Then I listen to JY ... my journal some of the key issues that led me to ... more in depth on my answer choice explanations.
... remember this question! The key to this question is ... those who are "stressed". Answer A can be eliminated ... mentioned in the stimulus, Answer C is wrong because ... says the opposite, and Answer D is too far ... gt;(some) STRESS, which is answer choice B.
... , someone surely has a better answer than I can give you ... about the paragraph, and use key words from that to orient ... 's kind of a nuanced answer, but ultimately no. There are ...
... had before going into the answer choices. E is attractive because ... flaw BEFORE going into the answer choices. It's amazing how ... the traps is amazing. The key is actually getting the flaw ...
... me to get the wrong answer. I registered for December and ... SOA, I think the obvious answer is to postpone. There's ... you more confident. Confidence is key to not losing points from ... told me, confidence is the key to that score, and for ...
... idea of what the answer is BEFORE approaching answer choices helps to ... and wasting time. REMEMBER: the answer choices are not your friends ... move on.
Another key part of going up in ... to a prediction of the answer. Continuing the above example, ...
... get to the right answer. I think the key to this one ... way of getting to the answer was to essentially treat it ... , and when I got to Answer Choice D it wasn't ...
... you get to the right answer or do you just pick ... one and look at the answer? Also for games, and reading ... quality over quantity is the key. I started over a year ...
... you get to the right answer or do you just ... one and look at the answer? Also for games, and ... quality over quantity is the key. I started over a ... options and ask myself which answer is best and why. ... points after fretting on an answer has lost me points when ...
... more than likely missed something key from the initial set up ... force unnecessary. Strategically picking an answer choice to test first is ... as the testing of random answer choices-sometimes in order ... game open that way and answer questions with ease.
... premise and conclusion. When eliminating answer choices, ask yourself "does this ... ? A lot of the answer choices won't actually directly ... In my mind, when reading answer choices I constantly say so ... conclusion and the premise are key. I find that a lot ...
... premise and conclusion. When eliminating answer choices, ask yourself "does this ... ? A lot of the answer choices won't actually directly ... In my mind, when reading answer choices I constantly say so ... conclusion and the premise are key. I find that a lot ...
... I get stuck between 2 answer choices (which used to have ... to have two super attractive answer choices. Second, I made some ... the result of not understanding key parts of the passage as ...