any advice for getting out of the mid 150's? My last 4 PT's have been 155-156, with a highest of 157. My LR average is 15-19, LG average 17-20, RC average 15-17. Was there anything you guys did differently that pushed you into 160's?
... June to, well, October or December. I can't decide. On ... , so maybe I should do December. If I change to October ... later switch from October to December?
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I took the LSAT December 2014 and scored a disappointing ... took a mini break since December because I started prep for ... May 18th. I did (since December until now) study between 1 ... would consider taking it in December of 2015 if I don ...
I know its a ways off but started to study for the LSAT. I purchased the LSAT Trainer. Should I read the book first then do 7 Sage or vice verse. I am a teacher so have all summer too study.
... me. My 180 watch has 15 minutes left on it. Somehow ... had already started. I WAS 15 MINUTES LATE! well, I really ... to cut the break by 15 minutes. I rush to my ...
I didn't take the February LSAT but to those of you who did or read about it in Discussion, can you share any takeaways or specific things about Feb that might be worth knowing before this June PT? (Obviously something from Feb doesn't mean it will be in ...
... tests again after my dismal December 14 LSAT score. I studied ... from December to May lightly, about 2 ... pays off. My score in December was a 155!
So we are 6 months away and I am registered for the December LSAT. I am about 3 weeks into the 7Sage curriculum and feeling great so far. How is everyone else doing? have you started preparing for December?