... I highly recommend you read it. Below is a small ... unsure of, and work on it. Don’t stop until ... your sleep, even if it does take some loud swearing and ... (blame it on me if you need to, I can take the ... does win the race. Take the timeto truly master the basics ...
... highly recommend you read it. Below is a small ... sleep, even if it does take some loud swearing and ... blame it on me if you need to, I can take the ... does win the race. Take the timeto truly master the basics ... reminder - I will read it again. The frustation is ...
... 3 weeks would be ideal. Take the timeto blind review, analyze, write ... (weak/lying to myself) version of blind review. It wasn't ... tests ultimately need more timeto prepare. It does not mean that ... question type and want to spend time drilling, don't be ...
... sequencing w/ a twist it's examples then its problem ...
> > Good luck to those testing next week! it wasn't until I ... PTs 1-38, I did timed sections from 29-38 ... each other. How long didittake you to drill PTs 1-38 ...
... really excited to read that a lot of people thought it was ... easier than expected. I was thinking to myself either I did ... sections with like 7 minutes to spare except for LG that ... . Good Luck you guys, it’s now timeto play the waiting game ...
... do is take a PT and take some time going over it, so that ... in the 7sage program. It’ll take some timeto obtain the necessary funds ... , but it sounds like it will be ...
... what others are saying take some timeto really look at the ... anyone can spend lots of time writing down where things ... ) but really look at it and see what visual interferences ... make (yes you need to write some rules down / ... but don’t over do it ). When jy does ...
> How long didittake ppl to get consistent with RC - where ... like -1/-2? It's kinda frustrating to see this kind of ... expressed for a reason and to understand the function of different ... of the passage enables you to understand the arguments being ...
Three weeks isn't enough timetocomplete 20+ PTs without doing your head in, but it is enough timeto do some foolproofing! You can make serious gains by improving your LG score, so that's where I'd put my time and energy if I was you.
... . Do 10-20, take the timeto review and completely understand ... take your time making extra worlds, slowing down on RC to ... , and sometimes taking the timeto eliminate the wrong answers. ... take one problem, spend as much time as possible on it in order to ...
... Where will you find the time? What about working and paying ... list of potential schools down to ones that have the most ... more timetocomplete the program, but that may be what it takes to achieve ... have to keep telling myself that because it is so easy to get ...
... take advantage of the Starter. I don't think it's enough timeto ... break 170 in the overwhelming number of cases, and it ... 's actually far more likely to hurt you. Relearning the fundamentals to ... testing strategies: time management and procedural ...
You just have to chiiiiiillllllllll. Look at all ... your mind and go crush it! Take you time, be calm. Own the ... test, don't let it own ... Just go in and get it over with. Get your score ... if you have to retake you have to retake. It's not the ...
Signup for sept and nov ? Take some timeto think about what pathway you ... to Law school definitely keep pushing , but if you feel it’ ... s not worth it / ect you need to revaluate. Good ... luck feel free to pm
... literally nothing you could say to convince me that everyone ... needs to test under the same conditions-- even time conditions. It doesn ... school, and they can take extra timeto get their work done irl ... you had to test in the same amount of time as most ...
... needs to test under the same conditions-- even time conditions. It ... , and they can take extra timeto get their work done ... had to test in the same amount of time as ... handicapped (this is true, it's not for the ... giving then extra time on everything they do
> It's fair to say that they probably ... do they need all that timetocomplete their exams during law school ... then maybe they need to reference it more times or make ... />
It may very well be true that someone who needs extra time ...
JY sometimes indicates the recommended time in the beginning of ... think it’s that helpful for RC to follow the recommended time because ... Some people also just take more timeto read but they might do ... thing to do is to figure out your own pace and stick toit ...
... key. Take the timeto fully and deeply BR. Take the timeto review ... helpful. On the test, it was like "Oh, a ... it is confidence. Confidence keeps you from spending unnecessary amounts of time ... recognize that feeling of reading it and understanding NOTHING, and ...
... like a waste of time. It would take less timeto just re-read that ... one line reference when you get to ... the passage by the time you get to the line in question ... time on it and miss other important details. By the time you get to ...
... you totake the September LSAT if you won't have timetotake a ... single PT beforehand. you may as well take that day to ... something is easy, great, take your timeto master it and understand the nuances ...
... LSAT. It makes no sense for you to rush the ... exam as well. Take your timeto really understand the LSAT ... . Don't put a date on it ... or even Sept 2019. It's not something you ... ever feel confident with (it is a very learnable ...
... min before the check in time. There is absolutely no ... reason for you to be there an hour ... for almost an hour. It takes some timeto check everyone in. If ... area an hour early just to feel secure in your ... up is exactly what I did on my test day.
... 1mg. If you're sensitive to antihistamines like me, they make ... versions so that you can take even 1/10th of a ... 2 hours before bedtime, it'll take the edge off of your ...
... min before the check in time. There is absolutely no ... reason for you to be there an hour ... for almost an hour. It takes some timeto check everyone in. If ... area an hour early just to feel secure in your ... up is exactly what I did on my test day. < ...
... errors, then you need totake the timeto read every single answer choice ... skimming them and then I take the timeto really read the remaining ... answer choice, try to articulate to yourself exactly how it was a trick ...