Started off with a -7 readingcomp on my diagnostic and now ... helps occupy the mind while reading in a way that helps ... . For example if I'm reading the passage discussing the merits ...
As I have been working through completing many of the drills for RC, I often find that once I complete all the questions and then complete my blind review, that once I go to check my answers for these RC question drills ...
... was plateauing, especially with readingcomp and was not really sure ... We worked almost entirely on readingcomp, and was really helpful in ... shot.
3. Readingcomp is all about focusing while ... you are reading and connecting all of ...
... in each one, he suggests reading the first passage, going through ... on comparative passages than other readingcomp passages, even when the content ...
I was looking at the difference between version 1 and version 2 of the curriculum. Both versions look very different in terms of how LR and readingcomp is studied. Should I use version 2 to study? I have been using version 1 to study so far.
Hi friends! I need some advice on how to improve my RC section. While I feel confident in LR, I am scoring much lower on RC, missing about 10 or 12 questions per RC section. I am scoring about 158/159 overall, and all I want is to score a 160.
... is in the Manhattan LSAT reading strategy guide that made it ... of the passage or with reading quickly. Whether I do the ... up around 40 % of the readingcomp section. It make sense why ...
Thank you for this. I read through your entire post and took notes because I need all the help I can get on readingcomp! Will try implementing your methods immediately.