on my thought process: ... I had to translate it into a clear "if..then" statement beforemovingon ... (the word "no" is a group 4 conditional indicator). Once I ...
Hello! I felt like the order was ... to understand fundamentals of logic beforemovingon but I feel like reading comprehension ... start with that section first! I will say logic games took ...
... />
For both RC & LR I try to remind myself to ... , understand what each sentence means beforemovingon. I am a sucker at getting ... the implicit questions wrong because I often go too fast. Try ... />
Often people emphasize PTing but i believe that drilling is a ...
... T-14 school. I have actually set my eyes on a rather low ... ranking regional school, where I ... to get a 160. I've heard so many mixed ... hear other people's stories on how much and how ... say two months, like I want to know how many ...
... seems to suggest practicing this on 6-8, but does he ... us to complete this practice beforemovingon to lesson 3? That would ... to nail this detail down beforemovingon in the course.
... more questions when I'm trying to focus on speed. Often ... incorrectly. So I'm looking for advice on how everyone else ... is when I find the correct answer movingon immediately without ... reading the remaining. I haven't ...
Hi there! How doI just generate entire LR sections on 7sage so I can just practice single, entire LR sections at a time without going through an entire prep test? Thank you :)!
How doI see what my GPA is on LSAC? I heard that there can be discrepancy between your GPA from your degree granting institution's transcript and any other institutions' transcripts if you took a course there during high school.
Im not sure what to do. I have been averaging 168-170 on pts on this site for 1-2 months but my actual score for the august one was in the low low 160s. Why is this the case??? What am i doing wrong??? Are the 7sage tests somehow scored differently?
... />
📈 To study, I have been: drilling drilling and ... rather than listening so I want to teach ... the concepts so I know that I understand them. It ... />
🔍 We'll focus on: Logical Reasoning
... doI need to buy LawHub Advantage on top of the Core Curriculum? I ... spend another $115 a year on top of the monthly 7Sage ... . This is false advertizing and I want my money back.
... the end, I scored the exact same as I had on my first ... to trust myself. I spent extra seconds before deciding on writing out sub ... game boards and now if I ... me and I miss ~2 questions. Also, especially on LR, I'll turn ...
I was doing LR questions ... dream. The worst part was I couldn't clearly read the ... answer choices, and I was super frustrated as when ... I tried to look at ... question after question I kept circling C and movingon.
... in the time up front beforemovingon to the answer choices to ... not adding up. Focus in on the relationships between the conclusion ... skepticism, ready to call bs on any slight deviation from logic ... anything, don't be passive on the tough questions.
< ...
... others. It really depends on who you get. Clarify ... you.
I've never taken the LSAT ... from experience there, but I have taken tests with ... overseers and I also have back issues. I just gave ... up that I'd be stretching and movingon occasion and ...
Just make sure you're doing good BR with a thorough follow up. Every PT is going to expose weaknesses and it's really important to identify those weaknesses and address them beforemovingon to the next PT.
Ido have one more question, for the logic games, after I print out the 10 copies of the game, doI watch the explanation beforeIdo the game? or doI attempt the game and then watch the explanation? Thank you again!
> @rogersalexandra7 said:
> Ido have one more question, for ... , after I print out the 10 copies of the game, doI watch ... the explanation beforeIdo the game? or doI attempt the ... the game as you can before watching the video.
... , then where doI go from there? Hone in on my weakness/wrong ... see that you do know these questions based on your previous timed ... />
> I tend to spend hours on BR, which I think is ... to wane when I get stuck and become stubborn on skipping –– which ...
... />
> A. You are on drugs because who wouldn't ... />
I'm circling A and movingon.
I agree through, Ryan. I think ... potential conflict/contradiction in logic. I can't recall a question ... appears like this, but I would find it hard to ...