Hi Guys , i have done all LG PT from 50-92 and was wondering how useful it is to practice older PT LG section now? Or is it best to just drill all new ones again and ai for only perfection? Thank you!!
Looking to take the June LSAT. Looking to gain a couple hours of studying a day. Currently drilling RC but circling back to drill LR and LG soon. Text me if interested!
Which PTs do people drill from? and where do people start taking fresh PTs from? I have heard differing opinions so interested to hear what people think is the best?
... do is taking a section drill in every day or two ... am also taking a section drill in every two days to ... done and taking a section drill every day to adapt myself ...
Is there a way to filter my analytics priority type questions, such as NA type, and filter out all the ones missed in LR and create a problem set to drill those questions?
Not a problem, just a question. There seems to be a certain keyboard shortcut when using the drilling interface. Shift + WIN key brings up a little shield that covers the question and answer choices from view. What is the purpose of this?
how can I take an individual section for practice (yes I. know there is drills you can create) from a practice test? like lets say I wanna just do reading from sept of 2018 for practice ?how can I modify that