Also, the "rankings leak" last year turned out to be false apparently... so I'll still wait for tomorrow.. though the Duke Michigan thing squares up with Above the Law 's peek at the USNWR rankings.
Got it from another forum... from the forum master... though he said that this seems accurate with the top 10 peek (which does not appear as ranked on ATL but Duke is there and Michigan is not) so this might be true...
I'm curious to know that myself @ddakjiking . I'm really surprised by Duke getting in the top 10, though next year they'll probably be 11 again. Besides Michigan and Duke, I'd say the rankings look pretty standard.
Well Duke rejected a number of students and placed plenty on the waitlist.. on the day that they got to know they had broken into the top 10 so this could be true.
That's how you know you're getting better - when the rules of logic cease to be optional and start becoming your default mode of thought. And if you think about it, isn't that how it's supposed to be anyway?
... />
That's like asking whether Duke could ever break into the ... top 5. I mean, Duke is a fantastic school, but ... , while at the same time Duke doesn't get affected at ...
I used two pencils the whole test and didn't sharpen once. I only switched for the essay to attempt to write legibly. The girl next to me was sharpening furiously the whole test..
... in the PS course. Your essay about Lady Justice doesn't ... your background and personality--your essay might feel a bit generic ... to say without reading the essay.
I am Wiccan (something I did not put in the essay) so the original Greek Goddess Themis (the original of Lady Justice) is very important to me and does impact my life differently than most others (I would think). Food for thought, thanks!