... just trying to get through the test. What I found the most helpful ... is to really review, blind ... wrong. I usually take the same PT the next day untimed and ... 'm going through the Manhattan RC book again and it seemstobe helping.
To me, the uniqueness of my job is ... -sea explorer, the uniqueness of my job would be irrelevant to law. But ... that is unique to, if not my particular job, the general field ... ? Even with my disclaimer, it seemstobe a "no."
... 't seen before. Rather, this seemstobe a combination of reading comprehension ... />
Quick Silver has the right idea - you need to calm yourself down ... cannot let panic consume you tothe point where you sit there ...
I think for the 70s so far there seemstobe a limited trend of reintroducing older game types. I'd say if you have time, brush up on older, perhaps unfamiliar game types.
... wrong are only on the last game? That seemstobe what you're ... suggesting. If that's not the case ... games and completely guessing on the 4th. That way, you boost ... accuracy and get the chance of getting your guesses ...
Me too. Surprisingly I finished 3 sections before the time was up which has never happened to me before during my prep tests. Definitely bombed LG. You never know though. lol the hardest part seemstobe waiting for these scores..
Is anyone planning on doing the 7sage law school course? I really like the idea, but I also would like an active community like the lsat prep has which the other course seemstobe lacking. Does anyone know of any other courses like it?
Thanks for the reply. I'm aware of the situation with the PDFs, had done some of those problem sets though before, today the pages simply weren't loading. However, everything seemstobe fine now. Guess it fixed itself!
... tobe continually learning new things throughout the curriculum that will fundamentally alter the ... in your case because it seemstobe producing unneeded anxiety. Instead, focus ... takes a few to get used tothe pressure of the full test. Finally ...
... />
apply to law school but forget about the LSAT for ... haven't been able to forget the LSAT at all - ... , and I want to get back to studying - but honestly ... a break at all. The LSAT has still been ... about the LSAT would be good for me. Although that seemstobe ...
... not preface the main conclusion. I listened to that lecture ... in his warning. Then the very first actual LSAT question ... explanation and he labels what seemstobe a straight context statement ... than clean point summaries in the introductory lectures. Is this ...
... time program. GT is the only T14 school with a ... and GT) and seemstobe doing great and loves the program, I ... the program but it means that I will have to ... and hopefully make enough to make a living and ... (100k at least), and the competition for jobs is pretty ...
... is the most prominent exception as they don't seem to ... to a 170 you will need to write an addendum to explain the jump. The ... general rule of thumb seemstobe anything over ... are going to scoff at a second one, the same is ...
The actual book’s ... with excellent blind review seemstobe as close to a sufficient condition, ... as one can get to mastering the LSAT (getting a 170 ... master it without having to complete that many tests, ... know for certain beforehand. Tobe safe, then, I’d ...
... I won't be saving those for the last two weeks any ... longer. I'm going tobe working ... last 10 weeks to give myself time to make any necessary ... trying to find out originally LOL. It seemstobethe general consensus that the writing ...
... for, I see that elimination seemstobe a huge aspect of these ... seem to me that you guys are talking about the questions ... get better. As for the questions that use conditional logic ... seems difficult to do 1. without mapping, and 2. with just eliminating the ...
... things about the test. The mid to late 30s are the general ... is pronounced enough to abandon using the earlier ones for ... tests difficult, while the newer ones it seemstobethe actual logic that ... others, ultimately you have to learn the test using some, ...
It seemstobe that you have the potential to score 170+, but I ... you will improve from the 150s tothe 170s in the next 7 weeks ... took me months to jump from the low 160s tothe 170s. Many other ...
... that met rate is the causal factor which seemstobe unwarranted and is ... definitely unsupported.
D: this gets the ... with the conclusion, and the premise would be irrelevant). It would strenghten the causal ...
... me understand why A is the right answer; however, answer ... A says that the president presumes that "only the" people at ... firms are the best at what they do. There seemstobe a ... difference between saying that all employees who work for the ...
Actually, your biggest issue seemstobe your fundamental understanding of the major concepts of ... the test. Ideally, your BR score should be closer tothe ... 170s. Timing comes from a solid understanding of the ...
... limits does not protect the environment (to get here, I interpreted ... reducing pollution= not protecting the environment, which seemstobe a perfectly acceptable interpretation ... to make as it accords ...
... laws. If you actually opened the link you would see that ... deleted the link just tobe on the safe side, although it seems as if ... this PT used tobe ...
The Cambridge difficulty packet seemstobe still available for download ($20). ... the categorize the diffficult lr questions post-pt39? I guess the alternate would beto ...
... re spending reading the passage vs answering the questions. If you ... the questions, then slow down.
With regard to ... it to someone right? Try to mimic that. Understand that the topics ... seemstobe less concrete logic and more a sense of what the ...
Given the bang-up job their customer service seemstobe doing lately I would ... /jewelry repair kiosks at the mall should be able to repair this quickly ...