When ... thought it translated to /U or A and then became ...
/(U or A) → F
... But since I already had U or A as a conditional ... two conditionals stemming from /(U or A):
/(U or A) → ...
So I requested 50% extra time and got that but I was wondering if anyone with Adhd has requested 100% extra time and whether or not it was approved. Thank u
I am writing my LSAT on Tuesday, but I am a bit confused about the process. Am i supposed to download the proctor myself before hand, like right now, or are they going to send it to me.
How am I going to access my test on the day? ...
So I reveived an email from proctor U saying my registration for Octover LSAT is cancelled. Later I checked LSAC and saw a refund being issued. None of these is done by me. Does anyone know whats going on with October test? Am I the only one getting this?