... to the official 2017 September StudyGroup! Navigating and communicating in the ... will be committed to this group in the call to discuss ... for how to make this studygroup as beneficial as possible. group isn't going to be ...
February will be my third and ... now. Was wondering what your study week looks like? Do you ... work full time, and usually study for an hour before work ...
I am looking for a possible group or single study buddy in the Houston Area within the 610 loop .
I am open to an online group as well if that would help .
... , @Trusttheprocess and I look for study buddies focusing on CC. We ... the beginning. We can study together, share study tips, do drills and ...
Here's the Discord Group Link. Come and Join us!
Im looking for study partners in the Phoenix, AZ area. I usually study at the Burton Barr library downtown Phoenix, it would be nice to work through problems with a group or individual. Anyone interested?
I'm planning to take the February 2021 LSAT and am looking for a studygroup/study buddy that are also just getting started. Let me know if you're down!
I am looking for a virtual study partner/group for the August test. This is my first time, and have been studying since May. I have become easily distracted/unmotivated through quarantine but am ready to crack down, lol. Need some accountability
... looking for motivated people to study together and ace the January ... be to create a FB group so we can regularly post ... will add you in the group!
Hello. I'm a full-time parent who works full time. I need to take the October LSAT. I would love to form a group that has the same lifestyle so we can help each other study. I am from Miami, Florida. Let me know if you are interested :) Thanks!
... trying to get together a group for studying via zoom/FaceTime ... and/or group chat for quick feedback on ... 166 and 171. Wanted to study with people that are motivated ...